🇨🇦Mel🇨🇦(@FCovidvax) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Facebook is such a joke. I woke up to this this morning. A community standards violation for something I shared back in 2012. 11 fucking years ago. It was on my timeline I thought it was funny so I shared it. What a joke!

Facebook is such a joke. I woke up to this this morning. A community standards violation for something I shared back in 2012. 11 fucking years ago. It was on my timeline I thought it was funny so I shared it. What a joke!
Arnaud Boucavel(@BoucavelArnaud) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Owen Benjamin 🐻 Well 0 COVIDVax in my blood and I still alive. I don't understand why vaxed people were afraid of it, if they have the cure

Xenetic Biosciences(@XeneticBio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Xenetic Biosciences is a biopharmaceutical company focused on advancing proprietary technology platforms across multiple high-value cancer indications. Learn more about us here: bit.ly/3xixJIx


José Antonio Juan(@pugaltejose) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pinko ♥️#PVDA2024 💙#Marianne2024 VRT NWS Van extremen kan men alles verwachten. Zullen ook wel climate change en covidvax lovers zijn waarschijnlijk ? Tenminste degenen die ik ken.

🇨🇦Mel🇨🇦(@FCovidvax) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SaskLass Chrystia Freeland Ya I was curious as to why she would have cropped him out so I put her picture on tineye and it gave me 1 result and it was the uncropped photo, is she embarrassed of him?

Peet hout is goud!(@Peethoutisgoud) 's Twitter Profile Photo

mrrichard57000 Tess Shirley 1/ Tess aan je tijdlijn te zien ben je gevaxt en anti ongevaxt? Laten we elkaar niet veroordelen maar open staan voor elkaars punten, waar baseer je op dat covidvax geen schade toebrengt bij mensen? Hier wat info die dat mi tegen spreken. stopworldcontrol.com/nl/category/co…

Conspiracy Theory Watchdog Jeff(@JeffJun80346519) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ton’ love my Country hate my Government 🤷‍♀️ Typical response of ( stirring) - most you can recognize by their empty BIO - in this case - our best experts ( ) recommends no more than one & ZERO Boosters - seems rather an they got the real WRONG?

Tangosierra74(@SierraTango74) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aux 🇺🇸 les compagnies d'assurance affirment que les décès chez les 18-49 ans de causes inexpliquées ont augmenté de 40 %. Sur la dernière année le cancer a augmenté de 300 % passant d'environ 36 000 patients atteints de cancer à plus de 120 000.
🤔 ? 🤫

Aux 🇺🇸 les compagnies d'assurance affirment que les décès chez les 18-49 ans de causes inexpliquées ont augmenté de 40 %. Sur la dernière année le cancer a augmenté de 300 % passant d'environ 36 000 patients atteints de cancer à plus de 120 000.
#CovidVax 🤔 ?  🤫
Antonio Sabato Jr(@AntonioSabatoJr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING: Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon claims that the COVID vaccines are bioweapons designed to kill billions of people as part of a depopulation agenda by the ‘Deep State.’

Reasonable American(@MattWhoLovesPie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Vigilant Fox 🦊 Tom Renz I see a lot of people saying things like “this mRNA stuff” that could mean anything. It would be nice to hear from an educated source exactly what they are doing. It’s easy to equate it with the massive failure that is the COVIDvax but it may not be so sinister, or maybe it is.🤷🏻‍♂️
