Larry Broughton(@larrybroughton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It takes drive, determination, and effort to reach our fullest potential and live a life of significance.
Strive for excellence in everything that you do.👊

It takes drive, determination, and effort to reach our fullest potential and live a life of significance.
Strive for excellence in everything that you do.👊
#keynotespeaker #larrybroughton #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #mentors #corporatetrainer #keynotespeaker
Larry Broughton(@larrybroughton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did you know the number one most negative person in your life might be you? 😱 We have to stop the negative chatter in our brains!

Does this resonate with you?

Larry Broughton(@larrybroughton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you ever wondered: What are the Baseline Driving Initiatives of highly effective leaders? There are four main initiatives you need to know!👊
Do you implement these in your business?✍

James (Mac) McPartland(@JMcPartland_Mac) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Integrity is a skill— one we must practice and pursue.

When we consistently do what we say we're going to do, we build a reputation of reliability and inspire others to follow our lead. It's a win-win.

Integrity is a skill— one we must practice and pursue.

When we consistently do what we say we're going to do, we build a reputation of reliability and inspire others to follow our lead. It's a win-win.

#integritymatters #softskillscoach #corporatetrainer #dolifebetter