Andrew Dessler(@AndrewDessler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you’re wondering how climate scientists connect climate change to individual extreme weather events, or whether climate change contributed to the flooding in Dubai, read this!…

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE Ever considered that economic theory serves as a denial mechanism to rationalize obvious nonsense because doing that feels better than dealing with a hard-to-swallow truth? Paper:…

Kevin S.(@LapstrakeNYS) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Gerald Kutney - 🌏🔥#ClimateBrawl🔥🌍 Andrew Dessler Nobody denies that there is a climate.

Yes, it changes, as it always has.

The narrative that manmade Co2 is responsible for it is the hoax created for political reasons. This narrative is dying.…

Andrew Dessler(@AndrewDessler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE I do find it amusing to see people say 'without climate change, GDP in 2100 will be 454% larger than today, including the effects of climate change, it will be 436%'. THREE SIGNIFICANT FIGURES!

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE Also explains why your No Way Out paper is so unpopular. Also explains why the number of climate conferences globally seems to drive atmospheric GHG concentrations. Also explains why the more available information there is on environmental breakdown, the faster it seems to occur.

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE How many scientists believe in life after death even though there is zero evidence for it? I've even seen chemists who were convinced that homeopathy works.

Andrew Dessler(@AndrewDessler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

with all of the discussion of cloud seeding going on, I've written something on The Climate Brink about what it is and why it's probably not responsible for the Dubai floods.…

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE What good is power and prestige on a dead planet? I don't know, but I think those things can only matter to someone who is in denial that they themselves will be victims of the models they create.

Andrew Dessler(@AndrewDessler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Matt Lanza 🤌🏼 Wrong way to think about it. Instead, just look at all of the shareholder value being created as people breathe that. The health care expenditures alone are a huge boost to GDP.

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE ... over reproduction. The only way to get through that scenario as a sentient, intelligent species is to create sufficient tolerance through denying that the circumstances are as bad as they are. Which explains why humans are so irrationally optimistic.

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE Question is why? Lack of intelligence? I don't think that's it. Nordhaus would probably score fairly high on an IQ test. As far as I can tell, they truly believe their theories are correct, even if it is fairly obvious they do not even meet basic criteria such as falsifiability.

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE Maybe someone like Nordhaus is old enough to be guaranteed not to be too negatively impacted, but someone who is young enough to see 2050 with relative certainty should have every reason to avoid ever-more hostile conditions for one's continued existence.

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE It looks more to me that there is a narrative, such as 'everything will be ok, it's not that bad, everyone gets infinite wealth etc.' and the goal is not truth, but supporting the narrative. Which makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary perspective.

Tim Garrett(@nephologue) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE So... many... problems...

But, you know, what I find worse is that so many in our community have deferred to economists, employing output from clearly crazy modeling methods as input for our climate models. There's no high priest without the followers

Crypt0m4nc3r(@Crypt0m4nc3r1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Garrett Andrew Dessler Prof Dr Richard S.J. Tol MAE 250kya, an instance of homo sapiens is only going to live 25 to 35 years max, women will die in 10% to 20% of all cases of pregnancy, and around half their children will die before an adult age. A purely rational being would likely just decide to prioritize individual survival...
