Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day26 of #100DaysOfSwift. Project 4, Part 3, Wrap-up and challenge. #iOS G-Dragon said, “You have to believe in yourself, challenge yourself, and push yourself until the very end; that's the only way you'll succeed.”

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day25 of #100DaysOfSwift. Part 2. UIToolbar, UIProgressView, Escaping Closure. Use one of WKWebView delegate func with escaping closure. #shenzhen #iOS. The air conditioner in the Nanshan Library of Shenzhen is cold as hell.

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 24 of #100DaysOfSwift Webkit, WebView, UIAlertController & Actionsheet, replace "view" with "webView" in loadView func. #iOS

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 23 of #100DaysOfSwift Challenge. Combine what's learned from Tutorial 1 to 3 and use them to really sink in and master them.

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 22 of #100DaysOfSwift Project 3. UIBarButtonItem. UIActivityViewController. "self.popoverPresentationController?.barButtonItem = navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem" for iPad. Add to info.plist to allow save to album "Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description"

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 20 of #100DaysOfSwift. Guess the flag part 2. Random number, IBAction, tag, UIAlertController. The trailing handler of UIAlertaction is inconvenient.

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 19 of #100DaysOfSwift. Autolayout. Ctrl+drag UI element to add constraints. Shift+click to choose more than one items. Add boarder with and color to UIButton through CALayer.

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 18 of #100DaysOfSwift. Review for Project 1. String interpolation. Use cell.defaultContentConfiguration() to set text Font and other properties. Sort String with "imageNames = imageNames.sorted(by: <)", which is so elegant.

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 17 of #100DaysOfSwift Part II of Storm Viewer. Building detailViewcontroller. UIImageView, UINavigationController little tweaks.

Bruce Wang (@brucewang7777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 16 of #100DaysOfSwift. Filemanager, UITableView. Because the course was recorded many years ago, there is a new scene-related file added to the project when creating a new one.

AlfyCode (@alfycode) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i've completed day 1 of #100DaysOfSwift and learned about: 1. Variables - a container to store value / program data. 2. There are many types of variables such as string, integer, double, and boolean. 3. Always use "let" (constant) first when creating a variables. and more!