Tim Slade (@t_sladetasmania) 's Twitter Profile
Tim Slade


My forthcoming book of poems is 'The Wave of Life'. Poet author of 'The Walnut Tree' (2021, Bright South). Writer for Tasmanian Times.

ID: 1479379004800917505

linkhttps://tim-slade.jimdosite.com calendar_today07-01-2022 09:09:18

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Mike Carlton (@mikecarlton01) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Deeply saddened to hear of the death of old mate and colleague Tim Bowden: ABC broadcaster, foreign correspondent, author. Wise and witty, enormously good company, a great journalist of the old school. Peacefully, in his sleep, aged 87.

Tim Slade (@t_sladetasmania) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vale John John Powell. While he spoke out, wrote articles and letters seeking to protect the Waratah dam from Taswater’s negligence and belligerence, I was nearing the end of a decade-long campaign for Pioneer against TasWater. A big heart. Good on you, mate. #politas

Tim Slade (@t_sladetasmania) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From Lutruwita, I hope you enjoy my new poem, ‘The Cumulous Weight of Julius Coin’, published in Cordite Poetry Review, Australia. cordite.org.au/poetry/notheme… #poems #poetry #auspoł #politas

Alysha Rose (@lyshrose) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Can someone please ask the Premier and Deputy Premier of Tasmania, if they have read the Commission of Inquiry Tasmania report from cover to cover? Last time I asked directly the answer was no. A lot of time has now passed and indications are that it may still be the case. I think it’s the most

Nick Feik (@nickfeik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No sanctions for Robodebt executives who breached the APS code of conduct multiple times. Alleged war criminals not charged, just stripped of medals. Accountability in this country is non-existent.

Meg Webb (@megwebbtweets) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your input will help make sure the pokies card promised for Tasmania will work well and cut harm. #politas A whopping $16,724,879 lost by Tasmanians to pokies in July - over $186 million last financial year - is why we need the pokies card, which can be the most effective

Kristie Johnston MP (@krisjjohnston) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Housing Minister rejects the notion of a housing waiting list. Describing it as a “housing register” instead. Unbelievably disrespectful to the THOUSANDS of Tasmanian who are in current dire need of safe & secure home WAITING for assistance. #politas

Tim Slade (@t_sladetasmania) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Lists of My Skies' is a four-line poem I wrote in response to a girl's death in Gaza. The killing of children in Gaza is a tragedy and an international crime. rochfordstreetreview.com/2024/09/28/tim…

Ann Morgan (@a_b_morgan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My seven-year-old asked for a dictionary this week. We went to the bookshop today to buy one. She walked home hugging it, pausing every so often to look up a word, grinning as though she had been given a book of spells, the key to wonders.

Gurridyula (@waddananggu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey Google The power you're going to get from Gautam Adani, is the same bloke that is destroying my homelands and killing my sacred Doongmabulla Springs with his Carmichael coal mine. He's not green, He's a liquor store owner who also owns the AA programs down the road.

Hey <a href="/Google/">Google</a>

The power you're going to get from <a href="/gautam_adani/">Gautam Adani</a>, is the same bloke that is destroying my homelands and killing my sacred Doongmabulla Springs with his Carmichael coal mine. He's not green, 
He's a liquor store owner who also owns the AA programs down the road.
Omar Sakr (@omarsakrpoet) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The dread I feel as Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Lebanon continues—now striking Tripoli, where my family is from and still live.

The dread I feel as Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Lebanon continues—now striking Tripoli, where my family is from and still live.
Tim Slade (@t_sladetasmania) 's Twitter Profile Photo

LISTS OF MY SKIES, by Tim Slade Gaza, 2024 Today we learn the news about a girl. Her body has been found. Her long, black hair is no-one’s flag; and it will not unfurl at Mother’s touch, nor fly free in the air. Gaza Poets Society