20, ex-FPL
CS mastermind for ...
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https://www.hltv.org/player/22123/t4gg3d 18-05-2021 11:31:35
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2:0 vs AVEZ Esports at MSR 2024 and we move onto the consolidational final tomorrow at 12 CET vs the loser of Team Sampi/Dynamo Eclot Proud of the boys as we secure 3rd place at least, however the job is not done yet 😈

🏆3. miesto na #MSR24 si odnáša tím THE PRODIGIES , ktorý nám predviedli krásne výkony počas majstrovského turnaja a poriadne potrápili svojich súperov v ceste do finále. Okrem bronzovej priečky si odnášajú aj finančnú odmenu 2000€. 🔥 Gratulujeme a ďakujeme za účasť! 🔝

Ended S3 of FACEIT CS2 as top35 EU (& top1 SVK), not the top1 EU spot I was aiming for but the grind still paid off 😎 Elo reset should come any day now, going to grind even harder next season whilst also streaming most of the games at twitch.tv/t4gg3dxo, come say hi!:)