Type 1 Diabetes Connection
Led by a research team at @IUMedSchool, @RileyChildrens this is a community page with info about #T1D clinical research and a place for #T1D conversations
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http://bit.ly/T1DIndy 24-07-2019 18:58:13
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📣Join us for our Returning to School with Diabetes Town Hall! 📚🍎Learn tips for navigating the mental health component of #t1d, 504 plans, and MORE! 📝 Register today at bit.ly/3Y4LoSC. #SafeAtSchool Sansum Diabetes Research Institute @JDRF
Our own Dr. LA DiMeglio presenting on #t1d #prevention at the #pearl meeting in Portland! Lots of great discussions - including Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet screening and info on our open new onset and prevention studies. DiabDocs-K12 Michael Haller, M.D. Dr. Carmella EvansMolina (photo credit to Janet Y Lee, MD, MPH, MAS (she/her))!
Our study is out! Thanks to everyone for this Team effort! Emily K. Sims Dr. LA DiMeglio Abhishek Kulkarni, Ph.D. Sarah Tersey JDRF Research IU School of Medicine UChicago Medicine Kovler Diabetes Center cell.com/cell-reports-m…
Yes! Consider #campjohnwarvel! June 9-15. Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Camp John Warvel Camp Crosley YMCA
Great to see our team recognized for this work in Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet and is move to the clinical arena! Emily K. Sims Dr. Carmella EvansMolina Jamie Felton Nathan De Jong, PhD Dr. LA DiMeglio JDRF Indiana & Kentucky
🎉Great news! Two IU School of Medicine faculty investigators recently received esteemed awards from @JDRF recognizing their valuable contributions to #T1DResearch. Big congratulations to Dr. Linda DiMeglio (Dr. LA DiMeglio) & Dr. Viral Shah! More on their awards: medicine.iu.edu/blogs/faculty-…
Congrats to these members of our Type 1 Diabetes Connection team! #jdrf Dr. LA DiMeglio #t1d
Our Dr. LA DiMeglio giving a talk at #ENDO2024 on advances in early stage #t1d. Presenting new monitoring guidance coming out soon in Diabetes Care, a research journal of the ADA 🌟 and Diabetologia. Highlighting Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet studies and DiabDocs-K12. #breakthrought1d @JDRF Heba Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases
Very proud of these two scientists as well! Dr. Carmella EvansMolina and Dr. LA DiMeglio! Riley Children's Indiana University Research IU Department of Pediatrics IU School of Medicine Women Inspiring & Elevating Leadership in Diabetes
We spy our own Maria Spall here with this great group at a recent Breakthrough T1D clinical trials event!! linkedin.com/posts/albanese…
Our local Type 1 Diabetes Connection team is here at IU Indianapolis for the 2024 Breakthrough T1D walk! Stop by to find out more about #screening for #t1d. Dr. Carmella EvansMolina Dr. LA DiMeglio Riley Children's IU Department of Pediatrics Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet