Joe Szekeres
Theatre Reviewer/Blogger. Founder/publisher: Our Theatre Voice. Pratiquer français et québecois. Twitter/Insta: Our Theatre Voice
ID: 994689517675270144
10-05-2018 21:23:56
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545 Following'the-c… My review of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE now on stage at Scugog Shores Museum Village & Archives and presented by Theatre on the Ridge Can Theatre Critics'the-g… Geoff Coulter's review of THE GOAT, OR WHO IS SYLVIA? now on stage in the Studio Theatre at Stratford Festival Eye on Stratford 🇨🇦'get-t… Geoff Coulter's review of the opening of GET THAT HOPE now on stage in the Studio Theatre at Stratford Festival Eye on Stratford 🇨🇦 Can Theatre Critics… My review of the jim dandy opening night production of [title of show] now on stage and produced by Whitby Courthouse Theatre Town of Whitby, ON whitby'const… My review of the opening night performance of CONSTELLATIONS produced by Toronto's Icarus Theatre and now on stage at Tarragon Theatre's Extra Space.'chri… My review of a disappointing world premiere of CHRISTMASTOWN now on stage at Capitol Theatre Can Theatre Critics'mary'… My VOICE CHOICE review of an extraordinary performance of MARY'S WEDDING now on stage at Thousand Islands Playhouse. Directed by Brett Christopher. Please go and see this. Astounding, breathtaking work. Can Theatre Critics… Geoff Coulter's opening night review of the world premiere of SALESMAN IN CHINA now on stage at Stratford Festival Eye on Stratford 🇨🇦 Can Theatre Critics'the-d… Geoff Coulter's review of the world premiere of THE DIVINERS now on stage at the Tom Patterson Theatre, Stratford Festival Can Theatre Critics'fierc… My review of FIERCE written and directed by George F. Walker now on stage at Alumnae Theatre Company in co-production with Moss Theatre Collective. Can Theatre Critics With Liz Best and Elizabeth Friesen'doubt… "Some strong performance work in this DOUBT counterbalances some of the puzzling artistic choices made." My review here. Thousand Islands Playhouse Can Theatre Critics'infin… My review of the opening night performance of INFINITE LIFE now on stage at The Coal Mine Theatre. Incredible! Terrific! Go and see it. Can Theatre Critics