The ambitious goal of SynEry is to produce advanced lipid vesicles with key features of erythrocytes.
ID: 1572487561653768192
https://www.synery.eu/ 21-09-2022 07:27:25
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👀 SynEry in the Italian newspapers La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno , where Fabrizio Gelain explains the project and their role in the consortium. lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it/news/foggia/14…

Artificial cells for in vivo biomedical applications through red blood cell biomimicry Biomimetics - KU Leuven SynEry BIOSYSTEMS Department -KU Leuven #BiotechNatureComms #synbio nature.com/articles/s4146…

About last week's #springschool for #biomaterials with LIMNI KU Leuven, and with international experts and an international public. We enjoyed and we hope you too! Biomimetics - KU Leuven

New paper in RSC Advances on the stability of emulsions with fluorinated nanoparticles and surfactants, interesting for the development of #artificialcells --> pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/Art…