Sylvain Besson (@sylvainbesson) 's Twitter Profile
Sylvain Besson


Journaliste d’investigation, cellule enquête @tamedia Auparavant @letemps. Reporting from the heart of the beast. Billionaires, shady actors & financial crime

ID: 46069728

link calendar_today10-06-2009 08:46:16

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FrançoisLabrouillère (@flabrouillere) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rouen: les pompiers annoncent avoir maîtrisé l’incendie de la flèche de la cathédrale, qui a surtout touché une bâche en plastique protégeant les travaux. Il n’y a aucune victime parmi les ouvriers qui étaient sur place !

Rouen: les pompiers annoncent avoir maîtrisé l’incendie de la flèche de la cathédrale, qui a surtout touché une bâche en plastique protégeant les travaux. Il n’y a aucune victime parmi les ouvriers qui étaient sur place !
Mike Forsythe  傅才德 (@pekingmike) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THREAD: Those darned Swiss banks. Anyone closely reading our story yesterday about the ties between Jack Ma and the jailed financier Xiao Jianhua would have noticed the names of 3 Swiss Banks: UBS, Credit Suisse, and one that isn't a household name: J Safra Sarasin (1/x)

Sylvain Besson (@sylvainbesson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rebondissement dans la saga #Hermès en Suisse: l'héritier du géant du luxe Nicolas Puech affirme avoir perdu ses actions, soit 12 milliards €! Escroquerie? Accès de démence? La justice genevoise vient de balayer ses plaintes contre son ancien banquier...…

Sylvain Besson (@sylvainbesson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ravi d’avoir pu participer au journal de Léman Bleu avec l’excellent Jérémy Seydoux pour tenter de résumer l’incroyable saga des milliards perdus d’Hermès en Suisse:…

Gabriel Zucman (@gabriel_zucman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to release this paper using fantastic Danish administrative data to study how people responded to the automatic exchange of bank information This is one of the most important advances in international cooperation of the last decades—and it had spectacular effects 👇👇👇

Christian Brönnimann (@ch_broennimann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So etwas passiert nicht alle Tage: Die Schweiz enttarnt einen mutmasslichen Spion für China und nimmt ihn monatelang in Untersuchungshaft. Die ganze Recherche hier:… mit Sylvain Besson Thomas Knellwolf

Sylvain Besson (@sylvainbesson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Le cas est rarissime: la Suisse a arrêté un Canadien résident à Genève pour soupçons d’espionnage, sans doute au profit de la Chine. L’homme croupit en prison depuis plusieurs mois. Enquête et révélations ici:…

Christian Brönnimann (@ch_broennimann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Russian oligarch German Khan transferred several 100 Mio USD to his wife, daughter and son-in-law on Swiss bank accounts in the weeks before he got sanctioned. The full story here:…

Journal of Art in Society (@artinsociety) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Early 20th century Swiss painter François-Emile Barraud’s career was cut short when he died from TB at just 34. Here’s some examples of his cool, distinctive style ~ Intrigue / Soup-Maker / Self-portrait…

Early 20th century Swiss painter François-Emile Barraud’s career was cut short when he died from TB at just 34. Here’s some examples of his cool, distinctive style ~ Intrigue / Soup-Maker / Self-portrait…
Christian Brönnimann (@ch_broennimann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Diese Geschichte ist unglaublich: da verkauft ein Berner Waffenhändler einem russischen Geheimagenten 1000 Schuss einer hochpräzisen Scharfschützenmunition - und als der Parkhaus-Deal auffliegt sagt er: Ist nun halt "ein bisschen unangenehm". mit Thomas Knellwolf…

Diese Geschichte ist unglaublich: da verkauft ein Berner Waffenhändler einem russischen Geheimagenten 1000 Schuss  einer hochpräzisen Scharfschützenmunition - und als der Parkhaus-Deal auffliegt sagt er: Ist nun halt "ein bisschen unangenehm". mit <a href="/KneWolf/">Thomas Knellwolf</a>…
Gabriel Zucman (@gabriel_zucman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is the fight against tax havens starting to pay off? The BEA stats on US multinationals are out—and in 2022 haven profits dropped There is still a long way to go—more than 40% of foreign profits are still booked in havens!—but the trend break is notable Start of a new era?

Is the fight against tax havens starting to pay off?

The BEA stats on US multinationals are out—and in 2022 haven profits dropped

There is still a long way to go—more than 40% of foreign profits are still booked in havens!—but the trend break is notable

Start of a new era?
Kevin Rothrock (@kevinrothrock) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Irina Bolgar, who says she’s the mother of three of Pavel Durov’s kids, accuses him of cutting them off financially and trying to sabotage their European immigration status after she refused to move the family from Switzerland to the United Arab Emirates.

Sylvain Besson (@sylvainbesson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Intéressant: j’avais constaté que malgré un staff de com pléthorique, LVMH ne répond tout simplement pas à certaines questions embarrassantes. Même pas « no comment », rien. Vu l’état d’esprit du patron, je comprends mieux.

Olga Klymenko (@olgak2013) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Poisoning the waters of the #Seim River, which flows into the #Desna, with the industrial waste of a sugar factory, can only be described as an act of russian #ecocide. The Desna was one of Ukraine's cleanest rivers. Now, more than 650km is polluted. "Not a single organism

Poisoning the waters of the #Seim River, which flows into the #Desna, with the industrial waste of a sugar factory, can only be described as an act of russian #ecocide. 

The Desna was one of Ukraine's cleanest rivers. Now, more than 650km is polluted. "Not a single organism