Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile
Swift Language


Swift is a general-purpose programming language that's fast, modern, safe, and a joy to write. Designed for all, developed in the open.

ID: 2526229286

linkhttps://swift.org calendar_today27-05-2014 01:11:40

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Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Swift's powerful pattern matching capabilities let you write readable code that extracts just the right part of your data. This handy reference has some great examples: goshdarnifcaseletsyntax.com

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Announcing Swift Homomorphic Encryption, a new package that supports private cloud computation using cutting-edge cryptographic techniques. 🕵️🤐 Read more: swift.org/blog/announcin…

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As part of our commitment to investing in Swift across all platforms, we're delighted to announce the availability of the new all-Swift Foundation library as part of the Swift 6 nightly toolchain, supporting Linux and Windows. 🏗️🏗️🏗️ More here: forums.swift.org/t/swift-founda…

As part of our commitment to investing in Swift across all platforms, we're delighted to announce the availability of the new all-Swift Foundation library as part of the Swift 6 nightly toolchain, supporting Linux and Windows. 🏗️🏗️🏗️
More here: forums.swift.org/t/swift-founda…
Natalia Panferova (@natpanferova) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Swift 6 introduced the count(where:) method, enabling more efficient counting of elements in a sequence that meet a condition compared to using a combination of filter() and count. Check out my new blog post to learn more: nilcoalescing.com/blog/CountTheN…

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📦📅 Package of the week: node-swift 🧑‍💻 node-swift lets you write native Node modules in Swift that can be used with node.js, NPM and Electron. It's idiomatic, fast, and works on macOS, Linux and Windows. More here: swiftpackageindex.com/kabiroberai/no… Kabir Oberai Node.js #Electron

📦📅 Package of the week: node-swift 🧑‍💻

node-swift lets you write native Node modules in Swift that can be used with node.js, NPM and Electron. It's idiomatic, fast, and works on macOS, Linux and Windows. More here: swiftpackageindex.com/kabiroberai/no… <a href="/kabiroberai/">Kabir Oberai</a> <a href="/nodejs/">Node.js</a> #Electron
Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Why did the Swift developer cross the road?" Thanks to Swift's powerful libraries, you can call a JSON API and decode the results in just a couple of lines. And thanks to icanhazdadjoke, there's a bad pun waiting on the other side... #DadJoke

"Why did the Swift developer cross the road?"

Thanks to Swift's powerful libraries, you can call a JSON API and decode the results in just a couple of lines. And thanks to <a href="/icanhazdadjoke/">icanhazdadjoke</a>, there's a bad pun waiting on the other side... #DadJoke
Andreas Kling (@awesomekling) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We've been evaluating a number of C++ successor languages for Ladybird, and the one best suited to our needs appears to be Swift Language 🪶 Over the last few months, I've asked a bunch of folks to pick some little part of our project and try rewriting it in the different

Natalia Panferova (@natpanferova) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In Swift 5.7 and later, we can use advanced clock APIs with clocks, instants, and durations to easily manage delays in asynchronous tasks with precise timing and power efficiency: nilcoalescing.com/blog/DelayAnAs…

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hope you're having an awesome Monday! Here's a list of awesome Swift resources to start your week off well: github.com/matteocrippa/a…

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some great Swift-related events coming up over the next few months. If you're in the UK, check out SwiftLeeds, which is less than two months away! swiftleeds.co.uk Volunteer-run, with a variety of talks from Swift contributors and developers -- looks fun!

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's a great month to be a Swift developer in the UK! As Vicente Garcia notes, iOSDevUK also has lots of great Swift content including a workshop on Swift Testing, sessions on macros, sequences, SwiftData and framework design: iosdevuk.com Other Swift conferences to share?

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lots of love for ServerSide.swift! End of September🍂 Science Museum, UK🔬 Amazing speakers👨‍🎤 If the last conference is any guide, this will be AMAZING! serversideswift.info/2022/schedule/

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Announcing Swift support for Oblivious HTTP, with a new package that enables this privacy-protecting approach to client / server communications: swift.org/blog/introduci…

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Modern, expressive testing is one of the highlights in Swift 6! 🧑‍🔬 As its release gets closer, we're merging Swift Testing into the toolchain so it's available to packages and apps without having to add new dependencies. More here: forums.swift.org/t/an-update-ab…

Modern, expressive testing is one of the highlights in Swift 6! 🧑‍🔬
As its release gets closer, we're merging Swift Testing into the toolchain so it's available to packages and apps without having to add new dependencies. More here: forums.swift.org/t/an-update-ab…
Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📦📷 Package of the week: hummingbird 📷🧑‍💻 Hummingbird is a lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework that provides routing, authentication, encryption, logging, and AWS Lambda support. It's never been easier to build a server app with Swift! 🪺More at docs.hummingbird.codes/2.0/documentat…

📦📷 Package of the week: hummingbird 📷🧑‍💻

Hummingbird is a lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework that provides routing, authentication, encryption, logging, and AWS Lambda support. It's never been easier to build a server app with Swift! 🪺More at docs.hummingbird.codes/2.0/documentat…
Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For our German-speaking friends: 🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹 Tauche ein in die Welt von Serverside Swift mit Einblicken von Johannes Weiss. Erfahre mehr über die wichtige Rolle der Community und Apples Beitrag auf die Entwicklung der Sprache.👇

Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming soon: Swift macro expansion in VSCode! 🎉Fantastic to see the results of this #GSoC project, now available in mainline builds. Great writeup from the author, Lokesh.T.R: forums.swift.org/t/gsoc-2024-ex… 🧑‍🏫 Visual Studio Code

Coming soon: Swift macro expansion in VSCode! 🎉Fantastic to see the results of this #GSoC project, now available in mainline builds. Great writeup from the author, <a href="/lokesh_t_r/">Lokesh.T.R</a>: forums.swift.org/t/gsoc-2024-ex… 🧑‍🏫 <a href="/code/">Visual Studio Code</a>
Swift Language (@swiftlang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📦📅 Package of the week: Citadel 📅📦 Citadel provides a high-level API for creating SSH clients and servers, making it really easy to build tools that run commands, transfer files or orchestrate services. More here: github.com/orlandos-nl/Ci…

📦📅 Package of the week: Citadel 📅📦

Citadel provides a high-level API for creating SSH clients and servers, making it really easy to build tools that run commands, transfer files or orchestrate services. More here: github.com/orlandos-nl/Ci…