swati tyagi (@swatstyagi) 's Twitter Profile
swati tyagi


Research associate @salkInstitute

ID: 446613529

calendar_today25-12-2011 23:23:48

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108 Following

Nature Methods (@naturemethods) 's Twitter Profile Photo

U-ExM enables near-native expansion microscopy for detailed characterization of the ultrastructure of macromolecular assemblies in diverse contexts. bit.ly/2USsldp

U-ExM enables near-native expansion microscopy for detailed characterization of the ultrastructure of macromolecular assemblies in diverse contexts. bit.ly/2USsldp
JCellBiol (@jcellbiol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Toyama et al. Salk Institute monitor how postmitotic cells replace long-lived components of nuclear pore complexes and nucleosomes. bit.ly/2BkOo3h

Toyama et al. <a href="/salkinstitute/">Salk Institute</a> monitor how postmitotic cells replace long-lived components of nuclear pore complexes and nucleosomes. bit.ly/2BkOo3h
Salk Institute (@salkinstitute) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Salk researchers analyze skin cells from more than 100 people of different ages to find molecular signatures that change as people get older bit.ly/2CpQel5

Salk researchers analyze skin cells from more than 100 people of different ages to find molecular signatures that change as people get older bit.ly/2CpQel5
Veronica Rodriguez-Bravo (@vrodriguezbravo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Amazing talk by Dr. Martin Hetzer today at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. Unpublished cool data, robust novel assays and beautiful imaging showing how nucleoporins participate in genome organization and transcription regulation. Very inspiring! #nuclearpores

<a href="/KimmelCancerCtr/">Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center</a> Amazing talk by Dr. Martin Hetzer today at the <a href="/KimmelCancerCtr/">Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center</a>. Unpublished cool data, robust novel assays and beautiful imaging showing how nucleoporins participate in genome organization and transcription regulation. Very inspiring! #nuclearpores
LusKing Lab (@luskingl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A Yale Nucleus Club success! Congrats to the Schlieker lab with some help from Nidhi and Patrick on this exciting story! Torsin ATPases are required to complete nuclear pore complex biogenesis in interphase | bioRxiv biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

JCellBiol (@jcellbiol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dorothee Dormann highlights work from Celetti and colleagues (bit.ly/38D3jpc) that demonstrates liquid–liquid phase separation of FG-nucleoporins into droplets that mimic the nuclear pore permeability barrier. (bit.ly/34mbhQd)

Dorothee Dormann highlights work from Celetti and colleagues (bit.ly/38D3jpc) that demonstrates liquid–liquid phase separation of FG-nucleoporins into droplets that mimic the nuclear pore permeability barrier. (bit.ly/34mbhQd)
PrakashLab (@prakashlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s been an insane last two weeks seeing events unfold! But the only way to come out of this situation is “science the shit out of it”.. so let’s all do that. This moment will define open science for centuries to come! Short summary of what we are up to; what we need help.(1/n)

bioRxiv (@biorxivpreprint) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Minimal genetically encoded tags for fluorescent protein labeling in living neurons biorxiv.org/cgi/content/sh… #bioRxiv

ANKITA ARORA (@arorankita) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My Father-in-Law has co-morbidities (Diabetes and Heart patient) as well which is making the situation worse. Any help us with finding any vacancy and medicines will be a huge help. PMO India Dr Harsh Vardhan

ANKITA ARORA (@arorankita) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a deep dive into the exciting amalgamation of #science and #art and a tribute to unsung hero of #DNAhelix #RosalindFranklin "What if you could save a memory forever? What would you want it to be?" Read to find how scientists are storing data forever. bit.ly/3tIndt6

Take a deep dive into the exciting amalgamation of #science and #art and a tribute to unsung hero of #DNAhelix #RosalindFranklin
"What if you could save a memory forever? What would you want it to be?" Read to find how scientists are storing data forever. 
swati tyagi (@swatstyagi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our most recent work to map nuclear pore-chromatin interaction with new method, NPC-DamID is online. We show role phase-separation properties of NPCs in regulating organization of super-enhancers. Martin Hetzer Salk Institute biorxiv.org/content/10.110…