Josh R. (@supericemanjr) 's Twitter Profile
Josh R.


Catch me on Tuesdays on Twitch.
Always keepin' it real.
Same name, everywhere.

ID: 291967816

link calendar_today02-05-2011 22:16:41

5,5K Tweet


1,1K Following

The Kia Forum (@thekiaforum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“It’s not about erasing the past. It’s about starting this new chapter into the future.” -Mike Shinoda @LINKINPARK • #FromZero World Tour

raz (@razzle1337) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⚡️ Giveaway! ⚡ Like + Repost + Follow to win this #PowerRangers Lightning Collection Red Ranger Power Sword! Fans outside US can enter, but must pay shipping!

⚡️ Giveaway! ⚡

Like + Repost + Follow to win this #PowerRangers Lightning Collection Red Ranger Power Sword!

Fans outside US can enter, but must pay shipping!
ConflictNerd (@conflictnerd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There's a plethora of reasons this shouldn't happen, and per Apple & Google store terms can't happen, but that's never stopped any of the idiocy before. If this change goes ahead you'll find me on every other social platform under the same username.

Emei (@its_emei) 's Twitter Profile Photo

its my birthday! thanks for making the past year a dream… i went on my very first tours ever and y’all have changed my life. i love you and i can’t wait to see you so soon ❤️

its my birthday! thanks for making the past year a dream… i went on my very first tours ever and y’all have changed my life. i love you and i can’t wait to see you so soon ❤️
Anaheim Ducks (@anaheimducks) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your favorite hashtag lookin' fly 😤 #FlyTogether #FlyTogether #FlyTogether #FlyTogether #FlyTogether #FlyTogether #FlyTogether #FlyTogether