Student MHN Forum Scotland
Scotland's Student MHN Forum🏴 All student nurses welcome! Contact us- [email protected] #mhimprove #mhnfs #smhnfs
ID: 1261388534314926080
15-05-2020 20:10:46
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Student MHN Forum Scotland Never stop asking and being curious, the learning in the profession is lifelong 🙂

Student MHN Forum Scotland Join a union 😁

Student MHN Forum Scotland Be honest, if you don’t know then say you don’t. Then go fine out!

A huge congratulations to all of the winners from Mental Health Nursing Forum Scotland annual awards ceremony. A fantastic night had by all to pay honour to the hard work and determination of mental health nurses and healthcare staff in Scotland!

Student MHN Forum Scotland I always do something on my days off, even something small, that makes the day feel somehow different from an average day. It can be really tempting when you're tired to just stay at home in your pyjamas but the days quickly melt into one and so you don't really feel like you're

"Research the Headlines" - read Tom Russ's thoughts about media coverage of disease-modifying treatments for #Alzheimer #dementia Young Academy of Scotland Royal Society of Edinburgh ClinicalBrainScience School of PPLS Brain Health Scotland Neuroprogressive and Dementia Research Network 🌐 Alzheimer Scotland RCPsychScot Old Age Psychiatry 🌈 researchtheheadlines.org/2023/12/01/dis…