S.T. Campitelli
Author of The Fall a novel of post-apocalyptic Australia, wasteland wanderer, StK 🔴⚪️⚫️, Mad Max, Rush Neil Peart genius amazon.com/stores/S.T.-Ca…
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http://thefall-book.weebly.com/ 06-09-2017 03:14:23
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#PostApocFriday theme courtesy of the ever erudite John F Leonard · Horror & Apocalyptic Author .... ☢️ ✴️ L is for ...LONE ✴️ ☢️ Interpret as you wish - #PostApocalyptic #Apocalyptic #Dystopian context. Join in - open to all #PostApocalypticAlphabet #Apocalypse #PostApocalypse

Today's #PostApocFriday theme from the King of Bleak, John F Leonard · Horror & Apocalyptic Author ☢️ ✴️ L is for LONE ✴️☣️ Interpret as you wish - #Apocalyptic #Dystopian context. Join in - open to all #PostApocalypticAlphabet #Apocalypse #PostApocalypse Don't forget the hashtag!

The Bledbrooke Works: A Cosmic Horror Story - Ever notice how some places don’t feel right? No rhyme or reason, they’re just unsettling. viewbook.at/Bledbrooke John F Leonard · Horror & Apocalyptic Author #Horror #ShortStories #johnfleonard

get shit-faced and smile : ) This week's explosive #PostApocFriday theme (courtesy of S.T. Campitelli) is: ☣️💥 N for NUCLEAR OPTION 💥☣️ - when all else fails, what's the option of last resort in the apocalypse #horror #apocalypse #postapocalypse #PostApocalypticAlphabet

#PostApocFriday theme this week, bought to you by S.T. Campitelli is N for Nuclear Option - when all else fails, what's the option of last resort in the apocalypse?

S.T. Campitelli Today's #PostApocFriday theme from our fearless leader S.T. Campitelli ☣️💥 N is for 'NUCLEAR OPTION' 💥☣️ - when all else fails, what's your *nuke option* to stop the bad guys? Crash a big-ass van into their front door: the Walkers flood in! (from 1.50) youtube.com/watch?v=QGuP2c…

From the talent that is Terry Tyler Terry Tyler #PostApocFriday Share apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic/dystopian pics, gifs, clips etc - don't forget the hashtag! This week's theme: ☣️ ✴️ - O is for OBLITERATE - ✴️☣️ theguardian.com/world/2025/jan… This is first generation kit.😱