Zach Kunicki
Assistant professor at Brown University. Assistant director of Quant Science Program. Views my own, and will change as I learn. He/Him. cognitive aging.
ID: 1118609033970225152
17-04-2019 20:15:51
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Join our T32 #PopulationNeuroscience program at University of Pittsburgh to train as a postdoc in Alzheimer's research. Gain expertise, conduct critical research, and lead interdisciplinary teams. Your role is essential. Apply now:
It's April 10th, and our #BrownSPH10 celebration of alumni continues with Professor Zach Kunicki ’19 MPH! Professor Kunicki studies cognitive decline and how its trajectory can be measured with Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior.…
We are so excited to have rescheduled Sarah Forrester, PhD's AMPHIBIAN talk! Mark your calendars for Apr 17 2024 12-1 and register here: Rich Jones (@[email protected]) Leslie Brick The Warren Alpert Medical School Brown University School of Public Health
Our paper on the COVID pandemic's relationship w enrollment at ADRCs is now out in the April issue of Alzheimer's & Dementia Journals . Thanks to co-authors from the Pitt's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, #HsinghuaSylviaLin #MelitaTerry #DianxuRen #JenLingler…
Woohoo! Thanks to Rich Jones (@[email protected]) Alyssa De Vito and Cyrus Kosar for their help preparing this award and The National Institute on Aging (NIA) making this dream come true! #myfirstNIHgrant
Excited to have a DANDI account to showcase Louisa Thompson Zach Kunicki and Alyssa De Vito's hard work!
Congratulations to Zach Kunicki (PI) and Alyssa De Vito (Co-I) on their recent The National Institute on Aging (NIA) R03 "Defining rates of cognitive aging in adults with and without dementia using the CODA cohort" starting this month!