SSRCE Instructional Coaches
A team of instructional coaches from the South Shore Regional Centre for Education (SSRCE), Nova Scotia, Canada.
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20-11-2017 16:56:41
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Differentiating instruction, while it may be the last thing on anyone's mind, is the single most important instructional move right now, says Lisa Westman. All it really means is focusing on students' individual needs. bit.ly/2SNVkj4

Great read & food for though. SSRCE Instructional Coaches

Free Virtual Summer STEAM Camps (youth 7+) register today at brilliantlabs.ca/summercamps Government of NB Education NS Education and Early Childhood Development Education PEI ACOA Canada ISED

Just made aware of a PD opportunity, of particular interest to South Shore Regional Centre for Education Grade 2 and 3 teachers, involving LOGICS Academy Wonder Workshop and "Virtual" DASH Robot Sign up for Wed event forms.office.com/Pages/Response…

Great opportunity for teachers. South Shore Regional Centre for Education SSRCE Instructional Coaches

Do you have a child who is under 40lbs travelling on a bus this September? If so- check out this video from SSRCE Transportation Services South Shore Regional Centre for Education youtu.be/cV-PtUau1HU

Teacher resources from Active Smarter Kids (ASK) Program can be found at southshoreconnect.ca/ns-active-smar…. The program liason is Britt Vegsund NS Active Smarter Kids Project A great way to keep kids active and engaged in curriculum study/review!

John R. Sowash is a terrific resource for teachers looking for information on how to use Google products. Here is a link to a video you could use with your students once you decide to move to a blended model utilizing Google Classroom. youtu.be/AVYfJ87lQlY SSRCE Instructional Coaches

Beautiful fall morning for a Nature Scavenger Hunt! WickwireAcademy South Shore Regional Centre for Education Take Me Outside