ID: 3333343938
25-08-2015 04:04:43
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@SinghviYashpal Ministry of Railways Suresh Prabhu Train 12215 is of dli div. Staff also of dli. Det forwarded to dli for na. Reg.
@rubyattitude DRM - Mumbai Central, WR Reg inconv. Cd u pls share ur pnr details or your coach + seat no. Reg.
@ParagBedmutha Ministry of Railways DRM - Mumbai Central, WR Reg inconv. Wash basin attnd at ST. Water restored. Cd u kindly cnfm. Reg.
@RVachhrajani DRM - Mumbai Central, WR Reg Inconv. The issue wd be attnd to at Rajkot. Steps being taken to ensure no recurrence. Reg.
@sagarthackar@sureshpprabhu DRM - Mumbai Central, WR Reg. Inconv. Trash probably strewn by fellow - customer, prior to ur brdg. Attnd at BL. Cd u pls conf.
@hitesh_kachave Ministry of Railways DRM - Mumbai Central, WR Watering done at NDB. Cd u pls confirm. Reg
@shivani_kotadia Ministry of Railways DRM - Mumbai Central, WR Regret inconv. Unfortunately the train had passed BLwhen msg was recd. Attn will be ensured tonite.