Nicholas Merritt
Prairie high school 6’1 240 de/nose guard/tight end Gpa 3.9 NCAA ID number 2402212769 Philippines4:13 Email [email protected] phone number 3605612557
ID: 1713374821143490560
http://www.hudl.com/profile/17722208 15-10-2023 02:03:20
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Thank you for another wonderful camp Avery Strong Showcases also what a beautiful campus Puget Sound Loggers UPS Loggers Coach Jeff Schmidt Junior Miller Coach Shelton Mason Packer Zach Willis Coach Austin Nelson Dan Lanning Daniel Velasquez Mejia

Highlight reel of Avery showcase and Northwest showcase Northwest Showcase Avery Strong Showcases Junior Miller Prairie Football Spencer Danielson UPS Loggers Coach Jeff Schmidt Phillip Gibson Coach Aaron Best

Thank you Coach Aaron Best for the invite McKinley Gerard Junior Miller Coach Shelton Prairie Football

Can’t wait to show what I can do In pads at the PLU padded showcase Brant McAdams Jeff Housman Puget Sound Loggers Coach Mike Elko Junior Miller Prairie Football Jedd Fisch

Thank you WOU Football for the camp and I learned lots and showed a lot Prairie Football

Love to kick the offseason off with the start of summer workouts. Her are some videos BSURecruits 🔷🐴🔶 James Finley David Carskie 🪓 Daniel Velasquez Mejia Anthony Laws Jr Junior Miller Coach Shelton Coach Trent Herzog Scottie Graham Jedd Fisch Nick Whitworth Pierson Lameh Spencer Danielson Coach Brennan

Thank you Ripken Braman for the individual camp invite the 27th CWU Junior Miller Ripken Braman Daniel Velasquez Mejia Coach Shelton Coach Trent Herzog CWU Football Prairie Athletics

Great dead period lots of great work in the gym and on the field myself here some videos Benched 305 265 x5 Squat 415x6 Prairie Athletics Prairie Football Coach Shelton Junior Miller Jeff McDaniels Zach Bruce @

Junior season Week one highlights against Ridgefield Prairie Athletics Junior Miller Coach Shelton Jeff Housman Prep Redzone Washington Coach Daniels hudl.com/v/2PMzYR

Love to come back and get a win. love playing with this team here are my week two highlights Junior Miller Prairie Athletics Coach Shelton Nick Whitworth The Columbian Coach Brown Coach Cameron Wagar hudl.com/v/2Q7Pqd

here is my highlights from week1 to 3 check it out Prairie Athletics Prairie Football James Young-Lewis Junior Miller Zach Willis Nick Whitworth hudl.com/v/2QCTE8

Going into league play two and two here are week 4 highlights Junior Miller Coach Shelton Zach Willis Prairie Football Prairie Athletics James Young-Lewis Nick Whitworth 5 Star Football Recruiting hudl.com/v/2QEcra

Love Starting off league 1-0 here are week 5 highlights Coach Brown Keaton Johnson Coach Bobby Hauck Coach Robby Hauck Rod Sandberg Nick Whitworth Montana Griz Football Chase Spradlin Bailey McElwain Junior Miller Prairie Athletics Zach Bruce Zach Willis 5 Star Football Recruiting hudl.com/v/2QHS6d

First 2 league games week five and six highlights, please take a look hudl.com/v/2QNAtg BSURecruits 🔷🐴🔶 James Finley David Carskie 🪓 James Young-Lewis Prairie Athletics Anthony Laws Jr Junior Miller Coach Shelton Coach Trent Herzog Scottie Graham Jedd Fisch Nick Whitworth Spencer Danielson Zach Willis

Week 7 played fullback 4 carries 5 yards a carry also played defensive line Check out film hudl.com/v/2QTwJe BSURecruits 🔷🐴🔶 Chris Fisk David Carskie 🪓 James Young-Lewis Prairie Athletics Anthony Laws Jr Junior Miller Coach Shelton Jedd Fisch Nick Whitworth Spencer Danielson Zach Willis

week 8 highlights take a look hudl.com/v/2QYBV8 BSURecruits 🔷🐴🔶 James Finley David Carskie 🪓 James Young-Lewis Prairie Athletics Anthony Laws Jr Junior Miller Coach Shelton Coach Trent Herzog Scottie Graham Jedd Fisch Nick Whitworth Spencer Danielson Zach Willis Andrew Birge McKinley Gerard

Final week highlights season highlights coming soon hudl.com/v/2QdVT2 BSURecruits 🔷🐴🔶 James Finley David Carskie 🪓 James Young-Lewis Prairie Athletics Anthony Laws Jr Junior Miller Coach Shelton Coach Trent Herzog Jedd Fisch Nick Whitworth Spencer Danielson Zach Willis Andrew Birge McKinley Gerard

2024 junior year highlights please take a look hudl.com/v/2QgwFF BSURecruits 🔷🐴🔶 James Finley David Carskie 🪓 James Young-Lewis Prairie Athletics Anthony Laws Jr Junior Miller Coach Shelton Coach Trent Herzog Scottie Graham Jedd Fisch Nick Whitworth Spencer Danielson Zach Willis 5 Star Football Recruiting