SproutSpoken brings together the best of creativity, community and connection through spoken word, open-mic, music, workshops, performance and more...
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http://www.sproutspoken.co.uk 03-12-2017 18:23:44
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🎤 SOMETHING FROM OUR FRIENDS 🎤 Voice and Accent Hub at the Hall for Cornwall 7-9PM | Every third Tuesday of the Month Don't miss this wonderful opportunity from our friends at the Hall for Cornwall to work on all things voice. More info: hallforcornwall.co.uk/whats-on/voice…

🌟 SOMETHING FROM OUR FRIENDS 🌟 The Live Poetry Book Club | 13th July 11.00 | St Agnes Miners & Mechanics' Institute - MMI The fab Rebecca Tantony has appeared at SproutSpoken several times and is doing something great just up the coast! Book now: eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-live-poe…

📘 SOMETHING FROM OUR FRIENDS 📘 North Cornwall Book Festival | 26 - 29 September 2024 Don't miss the incredible North Cornwall Book Festival - a long weekend of inspired literary events, curated by internationally renowned author Patrick Gale. endelienta.org.uk/north-cornwall…

🌟 SOMETHING FROM OUR FRIENDS 🌟 The Live Poetry Book Club | 10th Aug 11:00 - 12:30 | St Agnes MMI The next Book Club features Pascale Petit and Meesh Denny. It’s perfect if you can’t get out at night and includes a free book! stagnesmmi.co.uk/activities/the…

📣 SOMETHING FROM OUR FRIENDS 📣 Introducing Beyond Face - Theatre Company Associate Artists! A fantastic opportunity for global majority theatre-makers based in South West England! Find out more here: beyondface.co.uk/jobs-opportuni… 🚨Deadline: 12th August, Midday