Spoel Lab
International research group @InstMolPlantSci @SBSatEd studying how protein modifications shape the cellular proteome to cope with environmental stress.
ID: 1046782542211424256
http://spoel.bio.ed.ac.uk 01-10-2018 15:23:01
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We had a great time #InternationalWomensDay2024 Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences discussing various issues from combining maternity and science to mentoring and career progression and how to enable a positive culture Catherine Kidner Biological Sciences | University of Edinburgh #InspireInclusion2024 フォローしたい!

We're delighted to announce that we will be welcoming Katherine Denby from The Plant Journal who will be sharing more about their approach to EDI and upcoming opportunities to get involved. To find out more register for our Community Network Event here: bit.ly/BiPSCNL

Thank you to everyone that attended today’s event, we are so grateful for your presence and contributions. We would like to give a special thank you to our partners and sponsors The Plant Journal and NAASC & North American ICAR for your continued support of current and upcoming opportunities.

If you want to know what polyploidy is and how does it affect wheat, read our new blog: An interview with Dr Phillipa Borrill Philippa Borrill John Innes Centre Biological Sciences | University of Edinburgh Thank you to Heather Jones ed.ac.uk/biology/plant-…

Join us in celebrating the winner of the Black in Plant Science Research Excellence Award 🎉Bernice Waweru 🎉 Bernice has a long track record of excellent research and commitment to social equity, diversity and inclusion. 🎊CONGRATULATIONS!🎊

Humbled, honored and super excited 💃💃🎊🌹! Thank you to Black in Plant Science UK and the community for this award! Special thanks to my mentors Cristobal Uauy, Godwin Macharia, @oluwheat, Jean-Baka Domelevo Entfellner and everyone who has and is part of my journey! Looking forward to ICAR 2024-San Diego!

Are you a UK undergraduate in your 1st or 2nd year and looking for a summer lab placement? Interested in crop genetics & plant science? Apply for a REP project with me! Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences Biological Sciences | University of Edinburgh ed.ac.uk/biology/eastbi… #plantsci #research #wideningparticipation

How are proteins recognized and where are they degraded in plants? Great team effort Spoel Lab Zhishuo Wang Pablo Pulido Erika Isono, Xiaohong Zhuang, Jianming Li Plant_Proteostasis

Congratulations Dr. habil. Johana Misas Villamil on your habilitation!!!🥳🥳🥳 Enjoyed the seminar on evolution of carnivorous plants😃.

Bob Mason finds gorse fascinating! Spoel Lab Fascination of Plants Day Biological Sciences | University of Edinburgh #Plantday #FascinationOfPlantsDay #FoPD Plant Physiology @RBGE_Science Science for Sustainable Agriculture Global Plant Council ACE Centre for Adapting to Changing Environments Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Edinburgh Earth Initiative Want to know more, check out our blog: ed.ac.uk/biology/plant-…

4 fully-funded Generation Research MSc by Research studentships available Biology at York & Chemistry at York for applicants with widening participation eligibility. Apply by July 10th! generationresearch.ac.uk/phd-and-master…

🌱 Plant scientists assemble! 🌱 Wonderful Biological Sciences | University of Edinburgh graduation ceremony with Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences staff, new Drs, our plant science Hons graduates and Hons student that did plant science projects. Amazing achievements all round 👏🏻🎉

#GettingGenomeMe – Genomics Researcher Profile Click below to hear from Dr Lindsay Williams who is using genomics to understand the post-harvest transcriptome and immune system of leafy vegetables. Biological Sciences | University of Edinburgh Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences Spoel Lab Read more here: onehealthgenomics.ed.ac.uk/lindsay-willia…

No matter what your career background is or cultural heritage, the BiPS Conference 2024 is open to all plant enthusiasts. If this is you, then make sure to register for your place and join as at Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University (SLCU) on Tuesday 22 October! blackinplantscience.org/bips-conferenc…

Great as ever to be at the Gatsby Plant Science network meeting Spoel Lab Comforting and inspiring talking to next generation scientists Gatsby Plant Science Education Programme Thank you too for inspiring them Jonathan D G Jones