SPIRE Network
SPIRE-Severe neurological imPairment in IREland; examining prevalence, healthcare utilisation and parental experience. Supported by CHI Research & Innovation
ID: 1459246625499619332
12-11-2021 19:48:19
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McKenna Scholarship Information Webinar Wednesday May18th at 1600hr. Email [email protected] for more information. lauralynn.ie/mckenna-schola… LauraLynn, Ireland's Children's Hospice AIIHPC Early Career Researcher Forum @cpcconf2022 FindAPhD PhDposition
Suzie Guerin Information Webinar Wednesday May 18th at 1600h. email [email protected] or DM to register LauraLynn, Ireland's Children's Hospice
We want to learn how best to help care for the young people we see from those who know the most. Please help spread the word Irwin Gill Dr Niamh Lynch Irish Academy of Childhood Disability John Fitzsimons Eilísh Hardiman (she/her) Children's Hospital Temple Street CHI at Crumlin LauraLynn, Ireland's Children's Hospice Enable Ireland
We want to listen to the voice of carers and children living with severe neurological impairment to best understand their needs and improve care. Please RT Family Carers Ireland SpecialSchools&ClassesIrl Inclusion Ireland DFI CRC Enable Ireland
Delighted to share initial dissemination from the SPIRE research programme at AACPDM CHIatTallaght Joanne Balfe Denise McDonald Siobhán McCormack Charlotte Wilson @stephkelly36 Aisling Dunphy Maeve Ledden
Looking forward to the roll out of the Complex Care Summary and admission guide with further staff and parent feedback Maeve Ledden Dearbhla Hillick Aisling Dunphy Charlotte Wilson Joanne Balfe SPIRE Network Spark Innovation Programme
Seed funding & support from the CHI Research & Innovation Office will have an enormous impact on the quality of our research, along with facilitating the establishment of our PPI “Family Faculty”. Delighted to be awarded the opportunity @CMRF_Crumlin Temple Street CHIatTallaght
We are delighted and honoured to be have our bid accepted to host European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability in Galway, Ireland in 2026!!☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
Next up we have Dr Charlotte E Wilson Charlotte Wilson Children's Health Ireland at the SIGPeP Paediatric Psychology symposium at the Annual Conference Psychological Society of Ireland #PSIConf23 #RettSyndrome #PaediatricPsychology
Presenting our findings from evaluation and focus group on emergency care planning for children with Severe Neurological Impairment CHIatTallaght Stephanie kelly A.McDonald SPIRE Network #cpcc2024
Highly Commended award for poster submitted on behalf of cross-site Children's Health Ireland study by Ciara Kinsella, Dr Annemarie Bennett Nutrition & Dietetics, Charlotte Wilson Aisling Dunphy et al SPIRE Network at #Cpcc2024 CPCCONF2024