Swara A.S. (سوارە) Free🇵🇸and🇦🇲
He/Him, Marine Energy Data Waterbender. Kurdish-Am. 🍅 approved critic. Words @ButWhyThoPC, @TheNerdsofColor, @io9, @The_NewArab, @nerdist Host @TheMiddleGeeks.
ID: 562190560
https://www.tiktok.com/@spiderswarz 24-04-2012 17:14:45
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.Clarkisha Kent won her case against her negligent landlord! But the case and other events have set her back on her financial goals. Please donate here and boost! gofund.me/6b8054f0
#TransformersOne is *excellent*, with thrilling action, animation, and heart. Very much a step up from its live-action counterparts. Read my review all about it for But Why Tho?!
Watching Natasha Rothwell's #HowToDieAlone, and not only is it very good, but it stars Chinese-Kurdish-Iranian actor Jaylee Hamidi! Jaylee is out here doing us Kurds so proud! Piroz be Jaylee! 👏🏽☀️
Of you're new to following me, hi! You should also support But Why Tho? because we do dope work like this interview I did with Naoki Yoshida: butwhytho.net/2024/06/ffxiv-…
Or this amazing editorial on the historical representation in Mirage from Swara A.S. (سوارە) ☀️🍉🌊 butwhytho.net/2023/10/assass…
I was already excited to see #TheWildRobot and Kate Sánchez ➡️ #FantasticFest's beautiful review has me even more excited.
Jaylee Hamidi is an amazing Chinese-#Kurdish-Iranian actor who plays "Allie" on Natahsa Rothwell's #HowToDieAlone. She is literally the only fellow Kurd I've seen in western media, so to interview Jaylee for The Nerds of Color was a dream come true. ☀️ thenerdsofcolor.org/2024/09/21/jay…
"Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is a hilarious sequel to the original film that manages to stand on its own, simply by letting the juice go loose." Read Swara A.S. (سوارە) ☀️🍉🌊's #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice review: butwhytho.net/2024/09/beetle…