Spencer Kagan
Founder of Kagan Publishing and Professional Development, Author, Presenter, Creator of the concept of structures.
ID: 2708896827
http://KaganOnline.com 14-07-2014 01:32:18
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I love & advocate for all of these strategies to improve students’ reading comprehension! For #5, though, I find it’s not enough to just INVITE students to “turn & talk.” Typically, the 1 most in need of improvement says little. We must STRUCTURE for discussion! Kagan Publishing & Professional Development x.com/teachervision/…
These amazing primary teachers are so excited about using Dr. Kagan’s book, Give Us A Chance, in their ELA lessons! Spencer Kagan Boone County Schools Goodridge Elementary Raceland-Worthington Independent Schools Kagan Publishing & Professional Development
It was so powerful watching 4 year-olds use the Kagan Publishing & Professional Development structure Simultaneous RoundTable to complete a St. Patrick’s Day art project! I had a HUGE smile 😁 watching their teacher masterfully teach these young children how to #cooperate & demonstrate #respect to each other!
I received a few ❓’s about the Kagan Publishing & Professional Development structure we used today. This is how we used Showdown to review 10 more and 10 less using a slideshow in Google Classroom. (FYI- I did not make these slides, TPT’s Teacher Features did). #kagan #showdown iPadsin1st #tech4tinies
Read N Tell in action with teachers! Reading to learn or learning to read? This structure is sure to boost comprehension. Kagan Publishing & Professional Development
My heart is always warmed when I get to spend time in a classroom where a teacher believes in students, and teaches students how to independently engage in a Kagan Publishing & Professional Development structure — like these Chickasaw #kindergarten students who were incredible at sight words w/ Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Spencer Kagan Thanks for the great informative afternoon and evening today.in Rotterdam. You were very inspiring to me .
After working with our #TaiChi master, Master Mike, at the Kagan Publishing & Professional Development Full-time Trainers Retreat in Big Bear, I was inspired and did 30 minutes of Tai Chi after I woke up this morning at home!
Cutest #kindergarten kids supporting each other (with their arms around each other!) while reviewing content by engaging in the Kagan Publishing & Professional Development structure Quiz-Quiz-Trade in Bermuda!
A Dozen Tools to Foster Growth Mindset and Prevent Learned Helplessness by Dr. Spencer Kagan . bit.ly/2w6Lsb3 This Featured Article is from Kagan #OnlineMagazine Issue #57!