Spek (@spekulation) 's Twitter Profile


Maker of Internet Things -- (He/Him)

ID: 73203732

linkhttp://spekulationmusic.com calendar_today10-09-2009 19:51:51

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Big Jay Shooke (@jshooke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This country never recovered from losing Michael Crichton. We used to have novels about shooting cyborg gorillas in the face with machine guns and when you got done reading it you knew how an MRI machine worked

Boots Riley (@bootsriley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Now is as good a time as any to tell people that Rick Rubin is a behind-the-scenes rightwinger who tries to recruit music industry folks to Q-anon type stuff and is who (according to Kanye) convinced Kanye to meet Candace Owens and endorse Trump. He just looks like a hippie.

Rami Ismail / رامي (@tha_rami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We all get this. Everybody in the cinema understands who to root for. It's deeply depressing that in real life, so many people don't understand that the Fremen are coded like us. Nobody is going "the Harkonnens have a right to defend themselves" here.

Rami Ismail / رامي (@tha_rami) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Violent and military oppression makes you the bad guy. Collective punishment and extermination makes you the bad guys. End of story. It is not ever more complicated than that.

Spek (@spekulation) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Other kid's parents: *does a friend-thing in a friend-way* Me: *does a friend-thing in a friend-way* OKP: *does a friend-thing in a friend-way* Me: "Hi, friend! We're friends now!" OKP:

Girmay Zahilay (@girmayzahilay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The State limits King County’s ability to raise the revenues it needs to solve pressing problems. Those limitations have gotten so bad that we risk having to cut critical resources like public health clinics that thousands rely on for healthcare. We can’t let that happen. 1/2

DivestSPD (@divestspd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Begging these people to go to a library and see what folks actually do in there. Libraries are Kinko’s for people who don’t have any money. You can use scanners, send faxes, and print stuff for free. Believe it or not, poor people need and use this stuff.

Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@qasimrashid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thread... My TL is full of conservatives who don't understand how Affirmative Action worked. Three points 1. The demographic that benefitted MOST from AA—more than Black, Latino, & Asians COMBINED—are white women. 1/

Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@qasimrashid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The facts don't lie. The movement to repeal Affirmative Action, or ban DEI (as dozens of states have), or demonize CRT—was never about merit & was never about qualifications. It was always about reviving Jim Crow white supremacy. And the scary part is—so far—it's working. 4/4

Girmay Zahilay (@girmayzahilay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grateful to see my colleagues pass my King County minimum wage proposal out of committee this morning! On to Full Council in May 🙏🏾

Jack Califano (@jackcalifano) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is wild the degree to which every single institution in this country has been transformed into a private equity firm over the past 50 years.

🌽🌽 Erica, The White Trash Socialist 🌽🌽™️ (@herosnvrdie69) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank god this would NOT happen during a Joe Biden presidency in a state ran by a Democrat governor in a town with a Democrat mayor with 2 senators who are democrats.

Brendane A. Tynes, PhD (@brendanetynes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

anyway, I say all this to say: how are we preparing for the reality that mass arrests and protests are psychologically & physically violent b/c protestors are facing militaries with massive budgets and unchecked power? what will be the aftermath for ALL of us? 8/n

Brendane A. Tynes, PhD (@brendanetynes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

we must be asking ourselves and our students what we are willing to sacrifice and move from that empowered space. we are not only fighting /for/ our lives; we are fighting /with/ them. the tools and technologies of our enemies are different now. tactics must change. 11/n

Brendane A. Tynes, PhD (@brendanetynes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

we will have to get guerilla with our tactics and move away from representation and celebrity/clout chasing if we truly want change. when confronted with the possibility that you might lose everything, including your life, how would you fight? what/who would you protect? 12/n

❤️ Umair (@umairh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Guys, this is the Real Thing. You can see why I’ve been silent for some time now. Because I didn’t quite know how to say it any harder than I used to say it. So now here we are. And the first lesson is: you gotta understand this is real deal fascist collapse.

Omari Salisbury (@omarisal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HAPPENING NOW - The “Traffic Jam for Peace” on I-5 North passing Boeing Field and will exit on Edgar Martinez Way with a rally across from T-Mobile Park. This kicks off the City of Seattle’s 100 Days of Peace to address gun violence in the Emerald City.

HAPPENING NOW - The “Traffic Jam for Peace” on I-5 North passing Boeing Field and will exit on Edgar Martinez Way with a rally across from T-Mobile Park. This kicks off the City of Seattle’s 100 Days of Peace to address gun violence in the Emerald City.