Steven P. Rodriguez (@spatrickrod) 's Twitter Profile
Steven P. Rodriguez


Acquisitions Editor @VanderbiltUP, PhD @VanderbiltU, Alumnus @BrandeisU and @TCNJ

ID: 3299755289

link calendar_today26-05-2015 21:16:12

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Dan Sinykin (@dan_sinykin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If I had to sum up my thoughts on authorship, I might say, "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?" and laugh: “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you!”

Steven P. Rodriguez (@spatrickrod) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"A paradox of open-access policy is that it aims to break up the giants of journal publishing but has instead facilitated existing or emerging platform monopolies."…

Steven P. Rodriguez (@spatrickrod) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Officially seeing Fran Lebowitz in Nashville this November. Excited to hear her tell me why my city sucks and why everything is bad.

Betsy Phillips (@auntb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just explained my sure-fire way for telling a libertarian from a conservative to Steven P. Rodriguez: Put them in a room with me. If they get mad, they're conservative. If they get a sly grin, they're libertarians.

Oswaldo Zavala (@oswaldo__zavala) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here’s a conversation with the great Kate Linthicum at the Los Angeles Times about my critique of the US drug war narrative weaponized across the Rio Grande to justify the increasing militarization of Mexico. #DrugCartelsDoNotExist

Samuel Moyn 🔭 (@samuelmoyn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

James C. Scott as defender of a petty bourgeois utopia. Lorenzo McClellan has done the best historical work on the origins of his ideas, and here is a taste.…

Rebecca Ingram (@rebeccaeingram) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#DigestibleGovernance is out! Gastrocracy is the appropriation of discourses and practices related to sourcing, preparation, distribution, and consumption of food for political purposes. Want to know more? Check out these fantastic essays! #foodstudies #España #gastronomia

#DigestibleGovernance is out! 

Gastrocracy is the appropriation of discourses and practices related to sourcing, preparation, distribution, and consumption of food for political purposes. Want to know more? Check out these fantastic essays!

#foodstudies #España #gastronomia
Daniela Gutiérrez Flores (@danielagtz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I had the absolute pleasure of reading this fascinating collection filled with exciting new research. A must-have for you or your library! Congratulations again, Rebecca Ingram, Lara, and Eugenia—the future of Hispanic food studies is looking bright!

Vanesa Miseres (@miseresvanesa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This comes out in December, look what a great book Jennifer French has put together! I’m happy to be one of its contributors, among many amazing colleagues, with some of my findings on Lat Am women and botany 🌱 you can get you copy here:…

This comes out in December, look what a great book Jennifer French has put together! I’m happy to be one of its contributors, among many amazing colleagues, with some of my findings on Lat Am women and botany 🌱 you can get you copy here:…
Steven P. Rodriguez (@spatrickrod) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I won two tickets to a concert at the Ryman in a radio giveaway. I've never won anything like this before. As it turns out, though, the concert has been canceled. My life is a satire.