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https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Ty7pgRBxvI1nuJzHWxclzNlu569Hozn6/mobilebasic 19-09-2021 23:49:28
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3 Days from falsehood to Community Notes Sometimes X is really an incredible platform Most satisfying "SUBMIT" of my life Dr. Kelly Henning

If vaping opponents DON’T resort to flagrant dishonesty their only option is to admit they’re completely in the wrong 𝙿𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚊’𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 Dr Joe NZ Vaping Alliance Charles A. Gardner, PhD 🇦🇺 Northern Territory Consumers for THR Jukka Kelovuori

Our latest #GFNVoices features Alex Wodak AM and K. Farsalinos, under discussion is the tragic impact of the disinformation campaigns and the role played by organizations like #WHO.

Carlos Kasper Das ist genau das falsche Signal: E-Dampfprodukte sind mind. 95% weniger schädlich als Rauchen. Sie sind ein Genussmittel mit dem tollen Nebeneffekt, des miteinhergehenden Rauchstopps! Cochrane hat dies ebenfalls bezeugt. Weshalb eine ungerechtfertigte Sündensteuer darauf?

Carlos Kasper Das wäre ungefähr das Gleiche, als würde ich im Strafrecht eine Ohrfeige einer todesfährlichen Schussverletzung gleichsetzen. Im Strafrecht differenzieren wir, zu recht. Warum hier nicht auch? Vielleicht sollten Sie sich mit dem Thema ernsthafter auseinandersetzen und die Zahlen

vapelawguy GregGutfeld Gutfeld! Kat Timpf Sean Hannity 🇺🇸 Tyrus Hopefully 20 million nicotine vape users see this and vote accordingly

💧 Ian "Engaging and Scary Lecturer" 🍩 🐀Musgrave No, he authorized the removal of prefilled pods from the market. Bans of e-liquids for open systems began post 2020. However, Trump Admin gets a slice of the blame for not reforming the system that allowed this to happen.

Gregory Conley Those who speak the loudest to save nicotine vaping need to put personal BS aside if they truly believe that vaping saves lives. They need to vote for the only chance nicotine vape has. Is he perfect nope. But he didn’t completely destroy vaping and if we have a path we should

Mr Pres Donald J. Trump , I am a passionate Vaper! The reason, it saved my life and gave me almost 3 bonus years so far. After 43y of smoking, I show I Never smoked. I appreciate you speaking up. We, Vapers, Must win this battle to be here to fight others! We are 1 issue Voters!

We are losing a golden opportunity to eliminate smoking globally, according to K. Farsalinos, who joined us live at #GFN24 in Warsaw during #GFN24.

More Than 28 1998 Master Settlement Agreement: E-cigarettes did not exist. 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (FSPTCA): Almost no one used ecigs. Under FSPTCA, FDA Tobacco makes it FAR harder to introduce new #SaferNicotine vapes than new deadly cigarette brands.