we are soundfriends
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http://soundfriend.net 15-07-2014 18:48:40
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Wow. Instagram #growthhacking workshop on the side at the #soundfriendtalk by CarlSherron for… instagram.com/p/BJMOj9cAKLv/
So excited because we're launching a newsletter! Email our editor at [email protected] if you want in on all the good songs.
We can't keep quiet about Sorcha Richardson. @Talldanhegarty sent us "Lost" and it was love from the first note. soundcloud.com/sorcharichards…
.Anddy Caicedo's "Un Beso" video recommended by Jessica Bueno is crucial. We need to talk about #salsachoke youtube.com/watch?v=TmK2Ic… @jebuke
If you like noise and rock Weeping Icon is a band you should see. I caught them at ALPHAVILLE last night.
Come by tonight! 209 N 8th St, Brooklyn. Feat. Janelle Kroll Pär-Jörgen Pärson Drew Silverstein Knotel we are soundfriends #futureofmusic #AI