Sophie Adler
Academic Clinical Fellow @ UCL GOSICH| Co-lead of MELD project | Mum of 3 little ones
ID: 222661660
04-12-2010 02:11:08
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825 Takipçi
810 Takip Edilen

Delighted to share Transcriptional Cartography in eLife - the journal (doi.org/10.7554/eLife.……) Our goal was to make dense cortical gene expression maps from the Allen Human Brain Atlas. We took the sparse samples and interpolated them into >20k downloadable gene expression maps. 1/n

It’s International #EpilepsyDay - here’s a look at what the MELD team Konrad Sophie Adler Mathilde Ripart at WCHN and @GOSICHhave been working on! 🧵 [1/4]
![Department of Imaging Neuroscience (@imagingneuroucl) on Twitter photo It’s International #EpilepsyDay - here’s a look at what the MELD team <a href="/KonradWagstyl/">Konrad</a> <a href="/sophieadler/">Sophie Adler</a> <a href="/mathrip3/">Mathilde Ripart</a> at <a href="/WCHN/">WCHN</a> and @GOSICHhave been working on! 🧵 [1/4] It’s International #EpilepsyDay - here’s a look at what the MELD team <a href="/KonradWagstyl/">Konrad</a> <a href="/sophieadler/">Sophie Adler</a> <a href="/mathrip3/">Mathilde Ripart</a> at <a href="/WCHN/">WCHN</a> and @GOSICHhave been working on! 🧵 [1/4]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGIkr3mXkAArnDG.jpg)

Epilepsy surgery resulting in seizure freedom halts neurocognitive deterioration. Fabulous presentation by Maria Eriksson

Such a pleasure to be in Kuopio presenting The MELD project! We are so lucky to have amazing collaborators in Finland and worldwide who share their time, expertise and data with us. 18 centres have joined the Focal Epilepsies project and >1400 patients!

Thank you Reetta Kälviäinen Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium 🇫🇮 for being incredibly supportive of me travelling / presenting with a baby. We even managed to ice skate on Lake Kallavesi! ⛸️⛸️⛸️

Great day out at the London marathon with the family cheering on the Epilepsy Research Institute runners (& all the other runners). We are so grateful for all the training and fundraising that make our research possible!

Seizure freedom from epilepsy surgery halts or even reverses declines in IQ! Extremely impressive work by Maria Eriksson that I'm honoured to have been part of.

At #OHBM2024 and interested in epilepsy lesion segmentation? Come check out poster #0420. I will be presenting the preliminary results of a single automated classifier to segment a variety of structural causes of epilepsy using the large multi-center #MELD dataset. The MELD project

Wonderful to be #EEC2024 and hear Prof Helen Cross show Maria Eriksson amazing work showing improved cognition in patient's who are weaned off AEDs if seizure free after surgery compared to those on medications

Focal cortical dysplasia detection by AI. PPV 67% Github repository rb.gy/wbii8i Great talk by Sophie Adler at #EEC2024

🚨 Exciting opportunity!🚨 Come and work with Armin Raznahan and me on genes, brains and neurodevelopment🧠🧬. If you're interested - get in touch!