soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile



ID: 1373512883221327872

link calendar_today21-03-2021 05:53:06

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soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hai Fellas! Do you want to know more about our Soleil du Tropique "Nourishing & Protecting" Body Lotion with SPF? Lets Order, guys! Dan rasakan banyak manfaatnya dari Body Lotion ini, Grab It Fast! πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ #Soleildutropique #bodylotion

Hai Fellas! 

Do you want to know more about our Soleil du Tropique "Nourishing & Protecting"  Body Lotion with SPF? 

Lets Order, guys! Dan rasakan banyak manfaatnya dari Body Lotion ini, Grab It Fast! πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

#Soleildutropique #bodylotion
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What people said about Soleil du Tropique "Gentle Exfoliate & Nourish" Body wash #Shopee #Shopeehaul #racunskincare #testimonial #racunshopee #bodywash #bodylotion #aloevera #seabuckthorn #daisyextract

What people said about Soleil du Tropique "Gentle Exfoliate & Nourish" Body wash

#Shopee #Shopeehaul #racunskincare #testimonial #racunshopee #bodywash #bodylotion #aloevera #seabuckthorn #daisyextract
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What people said about Soleil du Tropique Product Bundling Limited Edition!! Go get yours on Shopee Link on Bio πŸ˜πŸ™ #shopee #shopeehaul #racunskincare #racuntwitter #racunshopee #bodywash #bodylotion #aloevera #seabuckthorn #daisyextract

What people said about Soleil du Tropique Product Bundling

Limited Edition!! 
Go get yours on Shopee

Link on Bio πŸ˜πŸ™

#shopee #shopeehaul #racunskincare #racuntwitter #racunshopee #bodywash #bodylotion #aloevera #seabuckthorn #daisyextract
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What people said about Soleil du Tropique "Nourishing & Protecting With SPF" Body Lotion 😍 #Soleildutropique #bodylotion #bodycare #bodywash #shopeehaul #racunshopee #racuntwitter #tropicalcare

What people said about Soleil du Tropique "Nourishing & Protecting With SPF" Body Lotion 😍

#Soleildutropique #bodylotion #bodycare #bodywash #shopeehaul #racunshopee #racuntwitter #tropicalcare
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Eid Al-Adha from Soleil du Tropique to everyone who celebrate πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ #Soleildutropique #Adha #1442H #EidAlAdha2021 #bodywash #bodylotion #bodycare #racunshopee #shopeehaul #racunbodycare

Happy Eid Al-Adha from Soleil du Tropique to everyone who celebrate πŸ˜‡πŸ˜

#Soleildutropique #Adha #1442H #EidAlAdha2021 #bodywash #bodylotion #bodycare #racunshopee #shopeehaul #racunbodycare
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're Back!! It's Soleil du Tropique again guys! Our product, Gentle Exfoliate & Nourish Body wash and Nourishing & Protecting with SPF Body lotion is safe for pregnant woman and lactating mom 😍 #Soleildutropique #bodycare #bodywash #bodylotion #safeforpregnantwoman

soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hai Fellas! Reminder for our exclusive package yaitu Soleil du Tropique Product Bundling hanya available di bulan Juli aja hlo guys.😍 Hanya 169k will gets 1 body wash, 1 body lotion, Sisir kayu, Travel pouch & Showerpuff.. Kuy, order di Shopee! πŸ’ƒ

Hai Fellas! 
Reminder for our exclusive package yaitu Soleil du Tropique Product Bundling hanya available di bulan Juli aja hlo guys.😍

Hanya 169k will gets 1 body wash, 1 body lotion,  Sisir kayu,  Travel pouch & Showerpuff.. Kuy, order di Shopee! πŸ’ƒ
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi, fellas! Buat yang susah cari body lotion atau body wash yang cocok Karena kulit sensitif, we got you babe. Our product is safe for sensitive skin. So, jangan ragu untuk order produk kece kita ya beb 😍 Link in Bio #Soleildutropique #bodycare #racunshopee

soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hai Fellas! Kulit sensitif, kering & mudah berjerawat membuat kulit tubuh jadi kurang bersih dan sehat lho guys.Karena jerawat adalah gangguan produksi minyak (sebum) berlebih. Nah, untuk itu solusinya adalah pilih bodycare terbaik seperti bodywash Soleil du Tropique! πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Hai Fellas! 
Kulit sensitif, kering & mudah berjerawat membuat kulit tubuh jadi kurang bersih dan sehat lho guys.Karena jerawat adalah gangguan produksi minyak (sebum) berlebih. Nah, untuk itu solusinya adalah pilih bodycare terbaik seperti bodywash Soleil du Tropique! πŸ€—πŸ˜˜
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin. " --Zoe Saldana -- #Soleildutropique #shopeehaul #racunshopee #racuntwitter #bodycare #bodywash #bodylotion #sabun #quotes

"Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin. "

--Zoe Saldana --
#Soleildutropique #shopeehaul #racunshopee #racuntwitter #bodycare #bodywash #bodylotion #sabun #quotes
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hai Fellas! Pasti udah gak asing lagi sama istilah "Sunburn" kan bebs. Nah, sunburn itu keadaan yang terjadi saat kulit terkena paparan sinar matahari berlebihan. Salah satu gejalanya yaitu muncul lepuhan kecil berisi cairan. Solusi terbaiknya pakai produk Soleil du Tropique! πŸ‘Œ

Hai Fellas! 
Pasti udah gak asing lagi sama istilah "Sunburn" kan bebs. Nah, sunburn itu keadaan yang terjadi saat kulit terkena paparan sinar matahari berlebihan. Salah satu gejalanya yaitu muncul lepuhan kecil berisi cairan. Solusi terbaiknya pakai produk Soleil du Tropique! πŸ‘Œ
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Islamic New Year! As the Hijri year 1443 begins, I pray that each day will be full of Allah's blessings and mercy! #Soleildutropique #1Muharram #Islamicnewyear #tahunbaruislam #bodycare #blessed

Happy Islamic New Year! As the Hijri year 1443 begins, I pray that each day will be full of Allah's blessings and mercy!

#Soleildutropique #1Muharram #Islamicnewyear #tahunbaruislam #bodycare #blessed
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#SoleilduChallenge Time! Dalam rangka merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Soleil du Tropique ingin berbagi kebahagiaan dengan #SoleilduChallenge. Yuk, Check rules nya yang ada di Instagram kita @soleildutropique ya, guys!. Let's Do It and Dont Miss it! Semoga beruntung! 😘

#SoleilduChallenge Time! 

Dalam rangka merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Soleil du Tropique ingin berbagi kebahagiaan dengan #SoleilduChallenge.

Yuk, Check rules nya yang ada di Instagram kita @soleildutropique ya, guys!. Let's Do It and Dont Miss it! Semoga beruntung! 😘
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For celebrate our Independence Day, we got you a Special Discount Voucher SOLE17AN-RP 4.500 on Shopee Limited just for 17-18th August Shop now Shopee @soleildutropique #17Agustus #harikemerdekaanindonesia #harikemerdekaan #diskonkemerdekaan #shopeehaulmurah #diskonshopee

For celebrate our Independence Day, we got you a Special Discount Voucher SOLE17AN-RP 4.500 on Shopee

Limited just for 17-18th August

Shop now
Shopee @soleildutropique

#17Agustus #harikemerdekaanindonesia #harikemerdekaan #diskonkemerdekaan #shopeehaulmurah #diskonshopee
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reminder for #SoleilduChallenge! In Celebration of Indonesia Independence Day, we want to share happines with #SoleilduChallenge, πŸ₯³ Yukk, let's check caption on our Instagram @soleildutropique ya guys. Harap cermati rulesnya dengan baik, bebs. Let's Do It! Semoga beruntung!

soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Siapa nih yang bermasalah sama jerawat punggung?? No worries gais, Soleil du Tropique punya body wash yang mengandung AHA yang fungsinya untuk deep cleanse pores dan mengeksfoliasi sel kulit mati. Jadi kalau tubuh bersih dari sel kulit mati, ga perlu khawatir muncul jerawat dehπŸ˜‰

Siapa nih yang bermasalah sama jerawat punggung??
No worries gais, Soleil du Tropique punya body wash yang mengandung AHA yang fungsinya untuk deep cleanse pores dan mengeksfoliasi sel kulit mati. Jadi kalau tubuh bersih dari sel kulit mati, ga perlu khawatir muncul jerawat dehπŸ˜‰
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy National Sports Day! Make a sports routine to make a fitness habit For keeping your skin safe from bacteria and UV lights, dont forget to use Soleil du Tropique Body Wash and Body Lotion before and after start your sports day!!

Happy National Sports Day! 
Make a sports routine to make a fitness habit
For keeping your skin safe from bacteria and UV lights, dont forget to use Soleil du Tropique Body Wash and Body Lotion before and after start your sports day!!
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SPECIAL PROMO 10.10 Buy 1 body wash get 1 body lotion Soleil du Tropique. Periode Promo 10 - 16 Oktober aja, dears.. Tunggu apalagi, belanja sekarang juga di Shopee Official Store kita…

Buy 1 body wash get 1 body lotion Soleil du Tropique.
Periode Promo 10 - 16 Oktober aja, dears.. Tunggu apalagi, belanja sekarang juga  di Shopee Official Store kita…
soleildutropique (@soleildutropiq1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

May the blessings of Allah SWT never stop shining upon you and your family! We wish you a Happy Mawlid al-Nabi 2021! #Soleildutropique #maulidnabimuhammadsaw #bodycare #bodywash #bodylotion #Happyshopping

May the blessings of Allah SWT never stop shining upon you and your family! We wish you a Happy Mawlid al-Nabi 2021!

#Soleildutropique #maulidnabimuhammadsaw #bodycare #bodywash #bodylotion #Happyshopping