Soil America
Nature speaks to the world in color. Purveying #Agricultural #Sustainability #Soil convo for educational + recreational use. #EdibleEducation Homestead FL Keys
ID: 1925078713 02-10-2013 00:06:36
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Please follow and check out our new fruitful endeavor Rare Fruit Society of Florida (RFSF) Stay Tropical. Free email list on site + membership options.
How can you save water in your home/yard? Check out this great Miami-Dade Water & Sewer infographic!
How crop insurance can build healthy soil Elizabeth Grossman
.PG Tropicals Guava Growing Beyond EarthⓇ Fairchild Garden We're judging essays for "Growing Beyond Earth" plants in space! Growing Beyond EarthⓇ @FairchdChallnge Fairchild Garden
Congratulations to Air Base K-8 - The 2016-17 GOLD Medal Winner of the @FairchdChallnge for Middle Schools! @MiamiSup Lawrence Feldman
What does "Florida is Nature" mean to you? Take a photo and upload it here Emilio Manuel Florida is Nature #pinecresting