Sofia P. Caldeira
I get paid to look at Instagram // Social media, feminism, self-representation // Researcher @cicant_lusofona // @DCCEcrea chair // she/her
ID: 2797838047
https://cicant.ulusofona.pt/research/people/integrated-researchers/228-sofia-p-caldeira 08-09-2014 12:14:12
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Our wonderful host Sofia P. Caldeira even gives a talk herself on re-sharing as small act of political engagement and amplifying practice. #ContestedVisibilities

Tens interesse em participar num grupo de foco sobre feminismos no Instagram? Procuram-se participantes em Lisboa ▪️ Inscreve-te no link: bit.ly/eph-fem ▪️ ▪️ Mais info: [email protected] ▪️ ✨ Por favor, repartilhem ✨

Chuffed to show the fruit of what has been a beautiful collaboration with Tom Divon | توم ديفون | תום דיבון, Hadas Schlussel, & Danka Ninković Slavnić with a great set of papers: Journal of Digital Social Research Special Issue on on Methods in Visual Politics and Protest: mixed methods, data curation & anti-publics jdsr.se/ojs/index.php/…

Porque a paridade na representação política é essencial, assinem a petição: peticaopublica.com/pview.aspx?pi=… Movimento pela Paridade Política em Portugal

Who wouldn't want to read about Instagram porn bots?! 🍑 Elena Pilipets, Ana Marta M. Flores, and I have an article out on PornStudies! Check it out here: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Our first On&Off article on feminist activisms online, ambivalence, and digital dis/connection is here! With Ana Jorge ~@[email protected]~ and Ana Kubrusly on TV & New Media ✨ Check it out here: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15…

Super excited to see my new article out in the coolest new journal Platforms & Society ! Want to read more about tensions in platformised feminist practices on Instagram? Check it out here: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/29…