Sheila and Margaret
ID: 716228164498939904
02-04-2016 11:37:56
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160 Following

Not seen many giants fans until Neil Bradon stole the show with a close up at end of 2nd.

Great to be able to watch this Giants All Stars match stress free. Thanks Simon Kitchen and Aaron Murphy 🎙 for commentary. Have a good break and see you next season.

Anybody else notice the Cardiff Devils clock doesn't start until after play has started after face off. Gaining at least one or two seconds after puck is dropped.

Why are we watching, flashscore coming up well ahead of play, The Nottingham Panthers

MOM for Glasgow Clan 🏒🏴 Toby Craig.

As neutrals we enjoyed Fife Flyers webcast tonight with Hockey_Laura doing a great job on her own on Comms.

Think we must be watching a different Belfast Giants game to the commentators who think it's exciting. Hasn't excited us.

After our previous tweet thank goodness Belfast Giants woke up and redeemed themselves. Better team on the night, think it will be a harder game tomorrow. Let's go Giants we'll be watching the webcast cheering you on.

Just watched A View From The Bridge and totally agree about Jeff Baum. On Wednesday I was talking to a young couple outside the rink and said he would be my MVP. He's played his socks off. The lad then showed me a photo of the Chinese New Year shirt he'd bought with Baum on for his partner.

No Giants game tonight so we'll be tuning into Dundee Stars TV for our fix.