SNAP Trial
SNAP=Staph aureus Network Adaptive Platform Trial, multicountry pragmatic RCT testing multiple questions to improve Rx of SAB, lead by the ASID CRN
ID: 1128185389116678145
https://www.snaptrial.com.au/ 14-05-2019 06:28:52
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We're recruiting for a Clinical Trial Monitor for SNAP SNAP Trial to be based Doherty Institute and UniMelb MDHS. Apply below! jobs.staff.unimelb.edu.au/ci/en/job/9085…

🥳 Join us May 20 to celebrate #clinicaltrialsday. Featuring SNAP Trial, Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis & ACTA Australian Clinical Trials Alliance joint 2021 winner Michael Hofman. We'll also have a fun quiz with prizes!🏆 Register: bit.ly/ICTD2022 Melbourne Academic Centre for Health Melbourne School of Population and Global Health UniMelb MDHS Critical Care at UniMelb

A fantastic Australian and global collaboration to include children and adults in the SNAP Trial with Steven Tong Joshua Davis ASIDANZ ASID Clinical Research Network ANZPID and many others!!

Here comes SNAP-PY! The pediatric arm of SNAP Trial. Testing the same interventions, within a harmonised statistical model, for children AND adults - each age group learning from the other. No longer will paeds need to extrapolate from adult data alone. #IDTwitter Asha Bowen

SNAP Trial closing in on first 50 participants worldwide! Will accelerate as more sites come on board. Bravo Steven Tong Joshua Davis and the entire international team

New blog and video about SNAP-PY! The Paediatric and Youth component of SNAP. Hear about Lara's story and why we think it is so important to study S. aureus bloodstream infections in children. Asha Bowen Joshua Davis Steven Tong snaptrial.com.au/post/staphyloc…

Thanks Brad Spellberg for his talk on 'Busting 75 years of ID myth' The Royal Melbourne Hospital and Doherty Institute ID seminar. Recorded session: snaptrial.com.au/post/oral-is-t… SNAP Trial will further test oral vs IV in uncomplicated and complicated SAB. Look out for the dimetrodon!

After discussing progress of SNAP at #IDWeek2022 another milestone for SNAP! This time the enrolment was at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, team led by Bridget Barber. Steven Tong Joshua Davis

SNAP Trial is gathering steam. Enrolled 7 participants in the past day across the world. 46 so far during January. Total 381 participants and 700 randomisations. Sites and countries continue to join! Thanks to all the investigators and patients across the globe.

One more week in March to see if we can enroll 100 patients into SNAP Trial! Up to 87 for the month to date... (that's 3.6 per day) Steven Tong Joshua Davis

Today the SNAP trial has activated two sites in the Netherlands! An incredible new chapter in our story. Thank you Ecraid and Marc Bonten. We also passed the 1500 patient in October - so planning for 3rd interim analysis begins. Steven Tong Joshua Davis Todd C. Lee

Lead a groundbreaking global clinical trial for infectious diseases Manage a dynamic team in a prestigious research institute Doherty Institute We are looking for someone to be the global trial manager for SNAP Trial. snaptrial.com.au jobs.unimelb.edu.au/en/job/914533/…

BREAKING NEWS. The Global Trial Steering Committee has advised trial sites today that we have closed the PSSA and MSSA silo backbone domains on the advice of the DSMC. We await data to become available for analysis. Steven Tong Joshua Davis Todd C. Lee #IDTwitter #IDX

From the SNAP Trial Paediatric group: Whole-of-Life Inclusion in Bayesian Adaptive Platform Clinical Trials Asha Bowen Joshua Davis jamanetwork.com/journals/jamap…