snowcie (@sn0wcie) 's Twitter Profile


Drawings! Socials - Tipjar -

ID: 1040348608678129664

calendar_today13-09-2018 21:16:51

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187 Following

snowcie (@sn0wcie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2023 Around this time last year I was pumping out sketches here and there like this, for around a week I think. Crazy man


Around this time last year I was pumping out sketches here and there like this, for around a week I think. Crazy man
光吉猛修(Takenobu Mitsuyoshi)SEGA公式 (@take_segacorp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey, you guys!! I'm quite glad to say that at last!! SEGA RALLY 30th Anniv CD will be released on 17th Oct! I joined to arrange 3 songs as re-arrangement songs in it. And I’ll do #SEGASOUNDSTREET on YouTube with some guests around the date on sale! Don’t miss it!!

snowcie (@sn0wcie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This def get me back to StreetFighter lol I didnt play much online because asian matchmaking are just full of tryhard asians man sadge

akio (@akio_1963) 's Twitter Profile Photo


snowcie (@sn0wcie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Surely no one's gonna cop the rare variant of the PS5's. Who the fuck do you think you are Those are for scalpers Let them choke

snowcie (@sn0wcie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

dunno what they changed with ken after a year but at least the jinrai corner combo still works, its the only thing I remember looool shoutout to the birds