Twitter feed for the San Mateo County LatinX Democratic Club -T/R/L/F do not equal endorsement. #smclatinxdems
ID: 2907567050
https://linktr.ee/smclatinxdems 22-11-2014 23:18:40
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NEW: Bernie Sanders hits TV to call on California voters to vote NO on the Republican recall!

Hands down the best graphic of the campaign! We need a Spanish version. Share with every CA voter u know. You're the best, Shepard! SMCLatinXDems SMC Democratic Party Peninsula Young Dem🗳️crats filamdemocrats Coastside Democrats W. Kamau Bell Jason Overstreet Senator Josh Becker Senator Scott Wiener California Democratic Party Nancy Pelosi

Let’s call this recall what it is: a partisan power grab and an attempt by far-right extremists to take over the nation’s most pro-equality state. Stand with Gov. Gavin Newsom! Vote NO on the Recall! Return your ballot by Sept. 14th! For more info visit stoptherepublicanrecall.com

Happy birthday to one of the greatest bosses I’ve ever had, Julián Castro. Thank you for teaching me, and so many others, to dream big.

As a Salvadoran immigrant, it brings great privilege to honor our Latinx comunidad in South San Francisco . This month we celebrate & honor our roots, our culture, the richness & diversity of our people, our vibrant tapestry & the beautiful language we all share. ¡Feliz Fiestas Patrias!

Thank you Alicia Aguirre Alicia Aguirre for being a legend & trailblazer for Latinos(x) in San Mateo County & supporting #SMCLatinxDems as a copper level sponsor during this #hispanicheritagemonth If you’d like to support and sponsor our club, you still can & visit link in profile.

As we head into the weekend, we wanted to thank CA Assembly Speaker pro Tem, (AD-22) Kevin Mullin for being a #SMCLatinxDems copper level club supporter during this #hispanicheritagemonth Our month long celebration is far from over, visit the link in profile to support/sponsor!