Tracey Forster
Speech and Language Therapy Clinical Lead in Health and Justice working in prison. All views my own
ID: 3364685211
07-07-2015 20:25:13
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Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care provide an amazing service to cancer patients❤️. Staff HaughtonMars Project Frankland supported by Prison Service Charity Fund & Potts Print (UK) raised £27k to buy a brand new ambulance. Art work provided by fantastic children St. Godric's Durham ❤️ Fantastic Team Work ❤️ read more below:

Would you like to explore Speech & Language Therapy in a Secure Inpatient setting? We have two Band 5-6/Band 6 posts: beta.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/joba… Lots of support & supervision, CPD opportunities, and joining a fabulous wee team! Happy to chat & have you visit! Just get in touch ✨💬

Our second Invisible Women briefing is published today, capturing the unique difficulties faced by women serving long prison sentences. This briefing focuses on hope, health and staff relationships. Prison Reform Trust Ethan Miller prisonreformtrust.org.uk/health-needs-o…

Check out my interview with BBC Radio Tees talking about the SIS Speech & Language Therapy Team’s Creative Writing Group! Lovely working with the Recovery College Stephanie Addison and our Expert by Experience… co-creation at it’s finest! ✨ (1 hour 38 mins) bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0…

Health+Justice SLT team photo from our working day. Thank you to our guest speaker jobrackley💜 for delivering a fabulous HOPE(S) training session! We also reflected on our 2023 goals as a team, lots of exciting projects so watch this space Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust #mysltday Tracey Forster jess_slt