mort schwarzwald (@sloppyjacques) 's Twitter Profile
mort schwarzwald


ID: 1423847280180932608

calendar_today07-08-2021 03:23:48

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mort schwarzwald (@sloppyjacques) 's Twitter Profile Photo

the genre of Tweet where someone says something incorrect on purpose to goad people into saying “that’s incorrect” makes no sense to me

Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If this is true then the entire idea falls apart (it appears to be largely true according to genetics); further Yemenis and Morrocans were also converts. Palestinians are the descendants of the ancient Israelites.

mort schwarzwald (@sloppyjacques) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Her comparative lack of playing time is becoming ridiculous. Is she hurt? I know we all love Angel, but c’mon. Kamilla is much better, especially considering her potential.

mort schwarzwald (@sloppyjacques) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Horrible body language throughout the 4th quarter by the Chicago Sky. Coach Weatherspoon has to put a stop to that kind of thing.