George Sinner
George Sinner is running for North Dakota's sole Congressional seat. He is currently serving as a state senator representing District 46.
ID: 2394924854 17-03-2014 18:53:24
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Today's tour schedule for @Heidi4ND, George Sinner, Ryan Taylor for ND here: #VoteDEMNPL #ndpol
Will be in Bismarck, Minot, Grand Forks, Wahpeton & Fargo today w/ George Sinner & Ryan Taylor for ND #VoteDEMNPL
.@Heidi4ND, George Sinner, Ryan Taylor for ND rallied full house of volunteers, made calls in Bismarck. #VoteDEMNPL #ndpol
Next stop: IBEW Hall at 1925 N Broadway in Minot w/ George Sinner & Ryan Taylor for ND to help our volunteers call voters. #VoteDemNPL
Heading to #GrandForks North Dakota Dem-NPL HQ at 2506B S Washington St w/ George Sinner & Ryan Taylor for ND. Come join us! #VoteDemNPL
Made some calls this morning with @Heidi4ND and Ryan Taylor for ND in Minot! Join us! #VoteDEMNPL
Thanks to @Heidi4ND, George Sinner, and Ryan Taylor for ND for making calls in our home city of Grand Forks!
.@Heidi4ND, Ryan Taylor for ND, George Sinner rallied volunteers in Grand Forks, joined in making calls. #VoteDEMNPL #ndpol
Huge crowd in Wahpeton! Do 1 more vol shift 4 George Sinner, Ryan Taylor for ND, Tyler Axness & North Dakota Dem-NPL cand. #VoteDemNPL
Thanks @MikeMcFeelyKFGO – it’s always great to see you. George Sinner Ryan Taylor for ND. #VoteDemNPL
Knocking on doors in Fargo w/ George Sinner & Ryan Taylor for ND. Every vote makes a difference. #VoteDemNPL
.@Heidi4ND, George Sinner, Ryan Taylor for ND visited w/ UND students today on their whirlwind trip across ND. #VoteDEMNPL
Fargo is fired up and working hard for North Dakota Dem-NPL candidates like George Sinner, Ryan Taylor for ND, Tyler Axness & Reisenauer for PSC.
Almost there, friends. Finish strong George Sinner Tyler Axness Reisenauer for PSC @AstrupforND April Fairfield #NDpol #VoteDemNPL
Headed to Babb's Coffee with Ryan Taylor for ND-come say hi, then help us turn out voters! #VoteDemNPL