Sinai/UHN Healthy Ageing and Geriatrics Program
The @SinaiHealth/@UHN Healthy Ageing and Geriatrics Program provides care for older adults, teaches geriatric learners and evaluates models of care.
ID: 817072055011123200
http://www.sinaigeriatrics.ca 05-01-2017 18:15:33
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Samir Sinha speaks with CBC News about risk factors for dementia and how preventative measures, such as access to a primary care physician, can help lower one's risk. Watch the full clip from CBC News: The National here: cbc.ca/player/play/vi…

Have you seen Samir Sinha's interview with Brian Crombie on #ageing yet? Check it out here: youtube.com/watch?v=Hqtn9L….

Congratulations, Dr. Kristina Kokorelias (she/her) and team, on publishing a scoping review exploring how interactions between #olderadults and #smarttechnologies evolve to improve user experience and technology utility ✨ Check it out here: jmir.org/2024/1/e57258/

Our Sinai Health/University Health Network Geriatrics Summer Scholars Program End-of-Summer Research Project Presentations are now online! Join us on August 15 from Noon to 1:30 PM EST! Online Registration details below: sinaihealth.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Tomorrow is the BIG day! We look forward to showcasing all the research our Sinai Health /University Health Network #SummerScholars have done! You can still register here: sinaihealth.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Our Sinai Health/University Health Network Geriatrics #SummerScholars Program End-of-Summer Research Project Presentation will begin at noon today!

The older we get, the better we feel about our age. A survey by National Institute on Ageing 🇨🇦 found that 95% of Canadians 50-plus have at least one positive view on aging. “Those who are successfully aging are the ones who are going to be around longer,” says Samir Sinha. bit.ly/3X4936M

We are so proud of our #SummerScholars! Thank you all for attending our presentations, and thank you to our donors who make the Sinai Health/University Health Network Geriatrics Summer Scholars Program possible ✨

In what ways can vision loss and high cholesterol indicate brain health in older adults? Samir Sinha speaks with CTV Your Morning about the risk factors for dementia and why we need more doctors to identify these signs. Watch the interview here: youtube.com/watch?v=Zipwr0…

Congratulations, Dr. Kristina Kokorelias (she/her) and team, on your new article! "Unveiling the Impact and Diverse Contributions of Champions in Community Initiatives for Elderly Individuals with Chronic Conditions: An In-Depth Examination through a Scoping Review" 🔗:onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/20…

Southlake Regional Health Centre has announced a new Acute Care of the Elderly (ACE) Unit. This will enhance health care services for older adults in York Region and Simcoe County. Samir Sinha spoke about the unique needs of older patients. Read more here: southlake.ca/news/southlake…

Save the date for our Sinai Health / University Health Network 12th Annual Toronto Geriatrics Update Course on Friday, November 1, 2024, from 8:40 AM - 4:10 PM EST through Zoom. Registration details will be provided in the upcoming weeks!

Congratulations, Dr. Kristina Kokorelias (she/her) and team, on publishing a paper that provides an in-depth examination of #diverseolderadults' perceptions of and experiences with the Toronto Police Services to inform the development of a #trainingcurriculum ✨ 🔗:emerald.com/insight/conten…

The number of older adults ending up in emergency departments with #canabispoisoning has risen exponentially since legalization. Check out the article below, where Dr. Nathan Stall recalls a story about a patient in his 80s who came to the ER. 🔗: ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/21…

📢 Save the date for our Sinai Health/University Health Network 12th Annual Toronto Geriatrics Update Course, which will be held on Friday, November 1, 2024, from 8:40 AM to 4:10 PM EST through Zoom. Registration details will be provided soon!