SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile


artistic platform and festival for interdisciplinary art, experimental music and sound - since 2005

ID: 53391672

link calendar_today03-07-2009 14:00:34

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SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Energy Harvester Bugs / atelier de #IoanaVremeMoser. Dacă ești curios să afli cum să construiești instrumente sonore autonome care se folosesc de energia ambientului înconjurător, încă te poți înscrie. Detalii :…

Energy Harvester Bugs / atelier de #IoanaVremeMoser.
Dacă ești curios să afli cum să construiești instrumente sonore autonome care se folosesc de energia ambientului înconjurător, încă te poți înscrie. 
Detalii :…
SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are excited to welcome you to SIMULTAN Festival’s XVII edition, with an eight-day program that blends live audio-visual performances, video art screenings, exhibitions and artist talks, reflecting on theme – The Changing and The Indeterminate.

c✴sm✴nautica (@cozzzmonautica) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👇🏽📡👽 #CozZzmonautica is approaching. It's gravitational pull keeps us together. Join us on the 23th of September at Indecis/Minitremu/Secret Garden space in Timișoara for another late hypersleep session. Many planetary alignments involved!👩🏿‍🚀👩🏾‍🚀👩🏽‍🚀👩🏼‍🚀…

#CozZzmonautica is approaching. 
It's gravitational pull keeps us together. 
Join us on the 23th of September at Indecis/Minitremu/Secret Garden space in Timișoara for another late hypersleep session. Many planetary alignments involved!👩🏿‍🚀👩🏾‍🚀👩🏽‍🚀👩🏼‍🚀…
SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fluid Memory by Ioana Vreme Moser 17-19 feb at MONO space, Timișoara, during the opening wkend of Timisoara 2023… #ioamavrememoser #fluidics

Fluid Memory by Ioana Vreme Moser
17-19 feb at MONO space, Timișoara, during the opening wkend of <a href="/Timisoara2023/">Timisoara 2023</a>…

#ioamavrememoser #fluidics
SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SONIC NARRATIVES 2023 speaks about rivers and waters, about the quality of the acoustic environment... /between 26 may - 10 june in Timisoara. find out more >> a project by SIMULTAN ORG for Timișoara 2023

SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 18th edition of the SIMULTAN Festival will take place between October 5-8, 2023 in Timișoara. This year’s live program features artists who are actively engaged in the field of sonic art and the experimental music scene. for detail >>…

The 18th edition of the SIMULTAN Festival will take place between October 5-8, 2023 in Timișoara.  This year’s live program features artists who are actively engaged in the field of sonic art and the experimental music scene. for detail &gt;&gt;…
ilannnnnnnnkatin (@ilan_katin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

good night . . with some more still images from last nights performance with Jasmine Guffond at Simultan Festival in Romania . photo credit: Andreea Săsăran

good night .
. with some more still images from last nights performance with <a href="/jasmine_guffond/">Jasmine Guffond</a> at Simultan Festival in Romania .
photo credit: Andreea Săsăran
Makunouchi Bento (@bentomakunouchi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Virtual Bluescreen-Collar Choir. The recording of our live act from "Progress. Paradigm Shifts #5" (18.11.2023, Muzeul Corneliu Mikloși, Timișoara, Romania), powered by SIMULTAN ORG, curated by Arne Hendriks & Ștefan Tiron.…

SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

O carte poștală sonoră cu Timișoara - apel deschis #sonicnarratives #timisoara…

O carte poștală sonoră cu Timișoara - apel deschis #sonicnarratives #timisoara…
SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 4th edition of SONIC NARRATIVES invites you to discover the sounds of the city and nature hidden by the illusory sufficiency of the image. 20-23 June, Timisoara

The 4th edition of SONIC NARRATIVES invites you to discover the sounds of the city and nature hidden by the illusory sufficiency of the image.
20-23 June, Timisoara
SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SIMULTAN Festival 2024 —Desire for the Useless. #OpenCall for video and moving image. DL. 20.August.…

SIMULTAN Festival 2024 —Desire for the Useless.
#OpenCall for video and moving image. DL. 20.August.…
SIMULTAN ORG (@simultan_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SIMULTAN announces the LIVE program artists for the 2024 edition of the festival, held between 3-6 Oct in Timisoara/ RO…

SIMULTAN announces the LIVE program artists for the 2024 edition of the festival, held between 3-6 Oct in Timisoara/ RO…