artistic platform and festival for interdisciplinary art, experimental music and sound - since 2005
ID: 53391672
https://simultan.org 03-07-2009 14:00:34
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Fluid Memory by Ioana Vreme Moser 17-19 feb at MONO space, Timișoara, during the opening wkend of Timisoara 2023 simultan.org/en/fluid-memor… #ioamavrememoser #fluidics

SONIC NARRATIVES 2023 speaks about rivers and waters, about the quality of the acoustic environment... /between 26 may - 10 june in Timisoara. find out more >> sonicnarratives.simultan.org a project by SIMULTAN ORG for Timișoara 2023

good night . . with some more still images from last nights performance with Jasmine Guffond at Simultan Festival in Romania . photo credit: Andreea Săsăran

18 year of #simultanfestival A comprehensive article by #MarinaOprea în Revista ARTA revistaarta.ro/en/simultan-in…

A review by Marina Oprea on #SimultanFestival 2023 in Revista ARTA revistaarta.ro/en/oscillation…

The Virtual Bluescreen-Collar Choir. The recording of our live act from "Progress. Paradigm Shifts #5" (18.11.2023, Muzeul Corneliu Mikloși, Timișoara, Romania), powered by SIMULTAN ORG, curated by Arne Hendriks & Ștefan Tiron. makunouchibento.bandcamp.com/album/the-virt…