Tess Simpkins
ID: 951307503660249088
11-01-2018 04:19:18
325 Tweet
210 Following
You all made my day!!!! Thank you! I truly have the best team around. Appreciate all that you do day in and day out, you all are the true hero’s. 🧡🧡 #D214FTW2020 #orangeblooded David Lataille Sandy Martinez Annmarie O’Brien Tina Holub Miriam Acevedo Corrieann Cumming @Karina1523
Driving some pocket guide, great job team for all your hard work, thank you!!!! #pocketguide #1501Proud James Keech Tess Simpkins David Lataille
Driving Knowledge with the new PocketGuide Halloween Specialty Spotlight Challenges! Bridgett Rodriguez Tess Simpkins #1519Proud
Pocket Guide Ready! Team is very proud of all of our progress!! Thank you 1501 fam!! #1501Proud #PocketGuide #PaperJames James Keech @Karina1523_ @BurtMASM212230 Tess Simpkins David Lataille
Well done team #1505! Carlos Juarez