Simon Gillespie
Chair @FNightingaleF; Advisor @WHO; Constable @cheshpolSC; Cheshire sheep farmer; Director @ISRS_UCL Prev: CEO @TheBHF. OBE 2019; UK CEO of the Year 2018&19
ID: 312490782
07-06-2011 06:19:12
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155 Following

Thank you to Mary Watkins for your leadership and guidance.

Can you support Florence Nightingale Foundation to deliver the amazing Nightingale Frontline service to more #nurses and #midwives? Please make a donation to help us - donations made before 12:00 on 5th December will be doubled up.

This major partnership is a great example of Florence Nightingale Foundation reach and impact across borders, as well as within the UK. It will be a busy year!

This is a fabulous role for an inspirational, forward-thinking nurse or midwife. Florence Nightingale Foundation is an amazing organisation and you will have the opportunity to shape the futures of nurses and midwives in UK and across the world.

Proud to be in Kenya celebrating the launch of first N&M leadership programme Florence Nightingale Foundation in Africa in partnership with Nursing Council of Kenya Ministry of Health Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Careers KENMA - Kenyan Nurses And Midwives Association-UK thank you 🙏 THET Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office for the funding

Please take a look at stories of the amazing #nurses #midwives that Florence Nightingale Foundation have supported in their #Leadership journeys. Can you support our work for the next 90? #FNF90at90

I’m looking forward to welcoming 2,000 guests to the annual Florence Nightingale Foundation service to commemorate the life of Florence Nightingale at Westminster Abbey this evening. A fabulous and inspirational gathering of #nurses and #midwives from across the U.K. and beyond. #TeamFNF

I’m delighted and honoured to have been shortlisted for a lifetime achievement award by Ex-Forces in Business Awards #exforcesawards

As featured on the BBC The One Show! Our unique leadership development programme is for senior nurses, midwives & AHPs with an interest in or responsibility for the environmental sustainability agenda, is open for applications! Find out more + apply at tinyurl.com/2w7se66y

📢FNF is officially launching its new Policy & Influence Think Tank tomorrow at a high-profile event: ‘Speaking Up: Leading for Patient, Staff & Public Safety’. Bringing the #nursing & #midwifery voice to the major health & care issues #FNFThinkTank florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/fnf-think-tank…

A warm welcome to Florence Nightingale Foundation #FNFThinkTank launch from Chair Simon Gillespie & a thought-provoking keynote fr Sir Robert Francis on building a positive culture to enable excellence in #nursing & involvement of #patients & families in their care

Thank you to Simon Gillespie, Chairman Florence Nightingale Foundation for the inspiring address to the scholars. Keep learning and enjoy the journey! Massive congratulations to all! #teamFNF #FNFScholar

I’m delighted to open today’s Florence Nightingale Foundation 2023-4 Scholar Conference. Congratulations to all our scholars, facing the challenges of a rapidly changing health system and inspiring others to achieve excellence. #TeamFNF #FNFScholar