Andrew Simmons (@simmonsteacher) 's Twitter Profile
Andrew Simmons


Assessment Program Specialist- Fulton County Schools. Former District Lead Literacy Coach. #Educator Follow my crazy journey through education!

ID: 2870588903

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Dylan Schulte (@mr_dschulte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I look forward to learning more about assessment practices and development and collaborating with others throughout the district! #AssessmentLeaders FCS Assessment

I look forward to learning more about assessment practices and development and collaborating with others throughout the district! 
#AssessmentLeaders <a href="/FCSAssessment/">FCS Assessment</a>
Brittney Burns (@msburns_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Am. Lit Team pulled the right levers 🎚️ in our full-day PLC & we know they will hit the 🎯A huge 📣 to my amazing partner in this work Courtney Hagans Hayes You can look at data for hours, but what are your next steps? That was the ❤️ of our session. Can't wait to see it in action❗

Our Am. Lit Team pulled the right levers 🎚️ in our full-day PLC &amp; we know they will hit the 🎯A huge 📣 to my amazing partner in this work <a href="/JukeboxEDU/">Courtney Hagans Hayes</a> 
You can look at data for hours, but what are your next steps? That was the ❤️ of our session. Can't wait to see it in action❗
Tawanda Brown (@wanda_mathgeek) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great collaboration among the Fulton Academy of Virtual Excellence coach's to analyze the student data tracker to make predictions for The EOC's and EOG's assessments this Spring. Focusing on best strategies to support our students. We want them to feel confident they can succeed and excel! #theFAVEway

Great collaboration among the <a href="/FCS_FAVE/">Fulton Academy of Virtual Excellence</a> coach's to analyze the student data tracker to make predictions for The EOC's and EOG's assessments this Spring. Focusing on best strategies to support our students. We want them to feel confident they can succeed and excel! #theFAVEway
LaWanda S. Knight (@lawandasknight1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗣️Assessment leaders loading…. I loved watching my new Zone 1 Assessment Leaders Cohort members engage in meaningful discussion with members from other zones. I’m so excited to support their growth and can’t wait to see them lead in their buildings. FCS Assessment Cherisse Campbell, Ed.D

🗣️Assessment leaders loading…. I loved watching my new Zone 1 Assessment Leaders Cohort members engage in meaningful discussion with members from other zones. I’m so excited to support their growth and can’t wait to see them lead in their buildings. <a href="/FCSAssessment/">FCS Assessment</a> <a href="/CherisseCamp/">Cherisse Campbell, Ed.D</a>
Andrew Simmons (@simmonsteacher) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please join me in welcoming the new 24-25 ALC cohort. They engaged in a busy day of item alignment, initial unit planning and standards based protocols, New Item Bank training, and research-based leadership goals. FCS Assessment

Please join me in welcoming the new 24-25 ALC cohort. They engaged in a busy day of item alignment, initial unit planning and standards based protocols, New Item Bank training, and research-based leadership goals.  <a href="/FCSAssessment/">FCS Assessment</a>
Sarah Harkins Cavanaugh, Ed.S. (@countingwithcav) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s been a great journey with the FCS Assessment team this past year! We’ve grown as assessment specialists, leaders, and data analysts with this cohort. Great work, team 👏

It’s been a great journey with the <a href="/FCSAssessment/">FCS Assessment</a> team this past year! We’ve grown as assessment specialists, leaders, and data analysts with this cohort. Great work, team 👏
FCS Assessment (@fcsassessment) 's Twitter Profile Photo

IRR sorting, item aligning, resource building, panel inspiring = assessment and data leaders. Wrapped our ALC 23-24 learning. We love these leaders! 🌟

IRR sorting, item aligning, resource building, panel inspiring = assessment and data leaders.

Wrapped our ALC 23-24 learning. We love these leaders! 🌟
Andrew Simmons (@simmonsteacher) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Loved hearing @WBMSprincipal LaTonya Alexandra Bates and Mr. Joiner from K-5 LEAP South share their use of data and assessment in leadership roles with our 23-24 ALC cohort. My greatest data takeaway was “It isn’t always perfect, but you can see the progress!” FCS Assessment ❤️

Loved hearing @WBMSprincipal <a href="/Int3llectIvy/">LaTonya</a> <a href="/alexbatesedu/">Alexandra Bates</a> and Mr. Joiner from <a href="/LEAPSouth/">K-5 LEAP South</a> share their use of data and assessment in leadership roles with our 23-24 ALC cohort. My greatest data takeaway was “It isn’t always perfect, but you can see the progress!”  <a href="/FCSAssessment/">FCS Assessment</a> ❤️
Dylan Schulte (@mr_dschulte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our kickoff event consisted of reflection and learning about assessment and item design. I look forward to growing my leadership capacity in this program! #AssessmentLeaders FCS Assessment Andrew Simmons

Our kickoff event consisted of reflection and learning about assessment and item design. I look forward to growing my leadership capacity in this program! #AssessmentLeaders <a href="/FCSAssessment/">FCS Assessment</a> <a href="/simmonsteacher/">Andrew Simmons</a>
K-5 LEAP South (@leapsouth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Success is not own, but it’s rented. Rent is due daily. Ms. Jones leads from the rooftop. But not in a distant manner, she pulls her staff up with her. Ms. Jones pays rent daily to help foster a climate of success for ALL at LEAP. LEAP Loves You 💚

Success is not own, but it’s rented. Rent is due daily. 

Ms. Jones leads from the rooftop. But not in a distant manner, she pulls her staff up with her. 

Ms. Jones pays rent daily to help foster a climate of success for ALL at LEAP. 

LEAP Loves You 💚
FultonCountySchools (@fultoncoschools) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎉Congrats Riverwood ICS for their remarkable achievement! RICS is among 18 schools that have increased both AP participation and pass rates since 2022. Your hard work and dedication are truly inspiring. Keep up the great work! #LAUNCH2425 #FultonCountySchools #FCSnews

Rhandi Altidor (@mrsaltidor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Enjoyed diving deep into GMAS data, discussing Illuminate updates, and planning with Andrew Simmons ! This is going to be another great year for Riverwood ICS 🎯😆 #InstructionalCoach

Enjoyed diving deep into GMAS data, discussing Illuminate updates, and planning  with <a href="/simmonsteacher/">Andrew Simmons</a> ! This is going to be another great year for <a href="/RiverwoodICS/">Riverwood ICS</a> 🎯😆 #InstructionalCoach
Valencia Durden (@durdenvalencia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❤️ So proud of the Evoline C. West for achieving the highest ELA growth in Fulton County! Your hard work and commitment to excellence are truly inspiring! 👏🏽🔥 Onward and upward! #EveryChildReads