Silvia Weko
Research associate at @UniFAU, formerly @RIFS_Potsdam and @BrandtSchool. Working on energy transition politics and policies, views here are my own
ID: 287498402
25-04-2011 03:30:05
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Final day at Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) today! Sad to go, but excited to begin at FAU Erlangen-Nbg soon.

It's official - I defended my PhD with highest honors at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy @unierfurt! So grateful for all the people who supported me, challenged me, and made doing sustainability research the best possible job: Andreas C. Goldthau, Cecilia Rikap, LaimaEicke, Rainer Quitzow and Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) crew 🌞

.Silvia Weko (FAU Erlangen-Nbg) and Esther Schuch explore attitudes towards the energy transition in Jordan, where expert interviews reveal that a strong renewable energy industry has emerged from top-down government efforts to reduce energy dependency and costs ➡️bit.ly/3QTyN2u

Deutscher Studienpreis der Körber-Stiftung für FAU #WiSo-Forschende: Dr. des. Silvia Weko erhielt für ihre Dissertation den zweiten Preis in der Sektion #Sozialwissenschaften. Die #FAUWiSo gratuliert ganz herzlich!👏 Mehr Infos hier: go.fau.de/1b-- FAU Erlangen-Nbg #Forschung