Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile
Silver Dollar Room


Riff heavy, harmonious rock music, get yourself in gear and jump on the SDR bus because it's going places. Accidental Music Rev

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Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This Friday we release β€œDark” on all platforms! Who has heard the teaser that was posted on Saturday? Let us know in the comments if you’re as excited as us for this one πŸ˜ƒ #wehavemuchtotalkabout #altrock #grunge #edinburghmusic #gildedechoes #newalbum

This Friday we release β€œDark” on all platforms! Who has heard the teaser that was posted on Saturday? Let us know in the comments if you’re as excited as us for this one πŸ˜ƒ
#wehavemuchtotalkabout #altrock #grunge #edinburghmusic #gildedechoes #newalbum
Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We love keeping busy! After a great weekend in the studio, we still have our new single Dark out on Friday and our new album Gilded Echoes dropping on 13th September. Look out for teaser tracks on the lead up to the album release! #wehavemuchtotalkabout #postgrunge #rocknroll

We love keeping busy!  After a great weekend in the studio, we still have our new single Dark out on Friday and our new album Gilded Echoes dropping on 13th September.

Look out for teaser tracks on the lead up to the album release! 

#wehavemuchtotalkabout #postgrunge #rocknroll
Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fun fact! #katietavini #gildedechoes #glassmaster #weirdjungle #silverdollarroom #independentmusic #reactionmanagment #newsingle #debutalbum #newalbum #altrock #edinburghmusic #gilded #NewMusicAlert

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our latest single β€œDark” was released yesterday and our debut album comes out on the 13th September. What is everyone’s favourite so far ?

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new album drops next week. Keep an eye out for previews of all tracks starting from tomorrow! #newmusic #newalbum #scottishmusicscene #rockband #grunge #altgrunge #wehavemuchtotalkabout

Our new album drops next week.  Keep an eye out for previews of all tracks starting from tomorrow!

#newmusic #newalbum #scottishmusicscene #rockband #grunge #altgrunge #wehavemuchtotalkabout
Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Origins in the opening track to our new album and one of our favourites to play live. Tell us what you think and listen to the full album next week on all usual platforms. #wehavemuchtotalkabout #newmusic #newalbum

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Track 2 from our new album is Dark, released recently as a single. The album drops next week, we can't wait! #wehavemuchtotalkabout #newalbum #newmusic #gildedechoes #rockmusic

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Track 3 of Gilded Echoes is our debut single 'Little Things' Gilded Echoes drops next week! #wehavemuchtotalkabout #newmusic #newalbum #grunge #altgrunge #postgrunge #scottishband

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Track 4 of our new album is 'Individuality' and is often how we open our live sets. You can here the whole thing next week, when our album 'Gilded Echoes' drops! #wehavemuchtotalkabout #NewMusic #NewAlbum #albumteaser #rockmusic #scottishband

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Track 5 of Gilded Echoes is our previous single 'Mantle' and the ballad of the album. Every rock album needs a ballad! #wehavemuchtotalkabout #newalbum #newmusic #teaser #rockband #scottishband #grungeband #postgrunge

Silver Dollar Room (@silverdrband) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Track 6 of our new album is Melanin. it's a cracker. Gilded Echoes drops this Friday! #wehavemuchtotalkabout #newmusic #newalbum #teaser #postgrunge #scottishband