Silas Tiedermann
6’6 | 280lbs | OT/DL | class of 2025 (early) | 1460 SAT | Head Coach @JoshAlaeze | @PPIRecruits | [email protected] | +49 151 10963079 | 3 D1 offers
ID: 1334972817142669312
https://youtu.be/28yTrzl4eSA?si=wBvgFhRBOiOrTq_3 04-12-2020 21:28:48
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These are the camps I will be attending this week! PPIRECRUITS Brandon Collier Coach Josh Alaeze Nürnberg Rams Academy

I will be competing at @2024BONECAMP today!! 6’6 c/o 25 OT Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS Coach Josh Alaeze

After @2024BONECAMP and a great conversation with Brendan Walsh I am excited to announce I have received an offer from Colgate Football Brandon Collier Coach Josh Alaeze PPIRECRUITS Nürnberg Rams Academy @Fritsche51 Moritz Oberhofer

After a great call with Jonathan Poppe I am excited to announce that I have received an Ivy League offer from Columbia Football Greg Skjold Coach Josh Alaeze Brandon Collier Nürnberg Rams Academy PPIRECRUITS Moritz Oberhofer Carlton E. Fritsche

Excited to be officially offered by Colgate University! Brendan Walsh Colgate Football Coach Josh Alaeze Brandon Collier Nürnberg Rams Academy PPIRECRUITS

Really enjoyed this summer camp circuit. Forever gratefull to showcase my talent. Thanks to all the Coaches. Brandon Collier Coach Josh Alaeze PPIRECRUITS

Big man with Ivy League grades Tony Reno Jim Jackson Bob Surace '90

Really appreciate the love Colgate Football ! Thank you Brendan Walsh Jared Livingston Brent Bassham Stan Dakosty

Check out my highlights of the 2024 Season! First year playing at the Men’s level and we finished with a perfect record! Really proud to be surrounded by such a great team youtu.be/28yTrzl4eSA?si… Brandon Collier Coach Josh Alaeze PPIRECRUITS Nürnberg Rams Academy

Received my August SAT results. Scored a 1460. Coach Josh Alaeze Nürnberg Rams Academy Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS

After a great call with Steven Ciocci I am excited to announce that I have received an offer from Bryant Football Chris Merritt Coach McKaig Coach Josh Alaeze Nürnberg Rams Academy Brandon Collier PPIRECRUITS