Sihem Lamine
@HarvardCMES Tunisia office manager, architect, researcher in history of islamic architecture, cofounder of @Arba, all views expressed are personal
ID: 1360894320224702464
https://chroniquesdupaysdesmerveilles.blogspot.com/ 14-02-2021 10:11:18
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"What Exactly is Undermining Tunisia's Economy?" Economist Anis Marrakchi will be Harvard CMES Tunisia's guest speaker tomorrow, Wednesday Oct. 13, 6pm (Tunis) as part of the #TunisiaNewsreel Post July 25, Notes from the Ground series! Register: cmestunisia.fas.harvard.edu/event/tunisia-…

"Tunisia's Fight Against Corruption: Actualities and Political Uses." I Watch co-founder, Mouheb Garoui will be Harvard CMES Tunisia's guest today, Wed. Nov. 10, 6pm Tunis - 12pm EST as part of the #TunisiaNewsreel Notes from the Ground series! Register: harvard.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

It is olive-harvest season. The olives on our Harvard CMES Tunisia olive tree are ripe! Grateful to Bechir Lamine who gave us this tree as a guift 2 years ago and to Sabrine Charmiti who took care of it during the heat wave of last summer and through the successive Covid breaks!

"Tunisia's Long Wait for a Roadmap to Recovery" A talk by Chaima Bouhlel Harvard CMES Tunisia. Monday, Dec 6, at 6pm Tunis - 12pm EST as part of the #TunisiaNewsreel: Notes from the Ground series! Registration link: harvard.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

36 ANDALOUS STREET, MÉDINA TUNIS… a simple address with a complex story! Project by: Alejandra Albuerne UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage Blue Fish @UNHabitat_inTN With contributions of: Houssem E. Chachia حسام الدين شاشية Sihem Lamine youtu.be/A0hOcwuKWLU via YouTube

The Hazem Ben-Gacem Postdoctoral Fellowship for Tunisian Scholars is now accepting applications for the 2022-23 academic year. DEADLINE: May 15, 2022. More info: cmes.fas.harvard.edu/postdoctoral-f… #Tunisia #PostDocs Harvard CMES