ID: 42364428
linkhttps://linktr.ee/idlehandsca calendar_today25-05-2009 06:40:43
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2 months ago
16 targaritas in I’m stealing the red balls outside the building
need someone to hit this emote with me at the club
I miss my friend who died in a fucking fire
A kiss is a kiss is a kiss until you never feel those lips again
Miss you every single fucking day my love🖤
With me forever though let’s be real🔪
Wait I have this picture of Ezzie that’s so cute
Just gonna leave this here goodnight I don’t like anyone
We don’t breathe the same air need a hazmat bitch
Shut the fuck up
Bisexual panic got you feeling crazy
Goodnight I gotta go
If I said I missed you you’d just use it against me
Don’t try me
Tweeting and deleting will be the death of me those were so good too😭