@SHSM_TVDSB (@shsm_tvdsb) 's Twitter Profile


Specialist High Skills Major collaborating with industry, support student training.,FREE, relevant skills @tvdsb. Contact Coordinator @BriscoeClass for info.

ID: 1572783144369102848

linkhttp://tvdsb.ca/shsm calendar_today22-09-2022 03:01:59

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380 Takipçi

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@SHSM_TVDSB (@shsm_tvdsb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud of our student #Aviation #SHSM leaders TVDSB Aviation School @tvdsb aviation high school going full year next year. It’s clear to see why this program is growing. Shoutout to the educators and London International Airport making it happen. @GreatLakesCanadaWAI #STEM OCTE

Proud of our student #Aviation #SHSM leaders <a href="/tvdsbaviation/">TVDSB Aviation School</a> @tvdsb aviation high school going full year next year. It’s clear to see why this program is growing. Shoutout to the educators and <a href="/flyyxu/">London International Airport</a> making it happen. <a href="/GreatLakesCAN/">@GreatLakesCanadaWAI</a> #STEM <a href="/OCTEOntario/">OCTE</a>
OCTE (@octeontario) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for an advantage over other applicants when planning for the future? Enrolling in a SHSM and/or OYAP can help you graduate high school with a resume. It's not too late to sign up for next school year, talk to your guidance counsellor today. #TakeTech #SHSM #OYAP

Looking for an advantage over other applicants when planning for the future? Enrolling in a SHSM and/or OYAP can help you graduate high school with a resume. It's not too late to sign up for next school year, talk to your guidance counsellor today.

#TakeTech #SHSM #OYAP
@SHSM_TVDSB (@shsm_tvdsb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to TVDSB Aviation School high school going above and beyond in their first year as #SHSM!!! Wow! Congrats to students and educators for making this program such an evolving success! Thank you Mark Fisher for highlighting #GirlsInAviationDay London International Airport NAV CANADA 👇🎉

@SHSM_TVDSB (@shsm_tvdsb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reflection is how we learn listen to beal.tvdsb.ca/en/students/be… student voices from H. B. Beal Secondary who participated in Stem2Stern ❤️👇Thank you to the awesome communications team for the support empowering student voice. If you see these banners the QR code brings you to this link.

Reflection is how we learn listen to beal.tvdsb.ca/en/students/be… student voices from <a href="/HBBeal/">H. B. Beal Secondary</a>  who participated in <a href="/stem2stern_ldn/">Stem2Stern</a> ❤️👇Thank you to the awesome communications team for the support empowering student voice.  If you see these banners the QR code brings you to this link.
Jenny Madamba (@mrsjmadamba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A HUGE thank you to Mandy Cleland and team for the 1st ever “Girls In Aviation” Day! ✈️ What an engaging and inspirational day of #Stem #crosscurricular Thank you for providing this invaluable hands-on experience for our gr 7 girls Cedar Hollow #thehollow TVDSB STEM Thames Valley DSB

A HUGE thank you to <a href="/MandyCleland1/">Mandy Cleland</a> and team for the 1st ever “Girls In Aviation” Day! ✈️ What an engaging and inspirational day of #Stem #crosscurricular Thank you for providing this invaluable hands-on experience for our gr 7 girls <a href="/cedarhollowps/">Cedar Hollow</a> #thehollow <a href="/TVDSB_STEM/">TVDSB STEM</a> <a href="/TVDSB/">Thames Valley DSB</a>
Beth Mai (@bethmaicanada) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At the Thames Valley DSB #STEM2STERN boat launch this morning. Check out these boats built by grade 7 and 8 students! Thanks to everyone who made this experience possible for students. @SHSM_TVDSB + David Vine

Dave Cripps (@trusteecripps) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Incredible experience today with several hundred students at stem2stern! Thank-you Ms. Briscoe, @SHSM_TVDSB team, @DirFisherTVDSB, David Vine and everyone involved for making this event possible for students Thames Valley DSB

Incredible experience today with several hundred students at stem2stern!  Thank-you <a href="/BriscoeClass/">Ms. Briscoe</a>, <a href="/SHSM_TVDSB/">@SHSM_TVDSB</a> team, @DirFisherTVDSB, David Vine and everyone involved for making this event possible for students <a href="/TVDSB/">Thames Valley DSB</a>
@SHSM_TVDSB (@shsm_tvdsb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to all the students, educators and Stem2Stern for building boats and pathways. Shoutout to the 7/8s who should be very very proud of themselves right now! Incredible boats and team work. We can’t wait to see you in #SHSM Thames Valley DSB

Thank you to all the students, educators and <a href="/stem2stern_ldn/">Stem2Stern</a> for building boats and pathways. Shoutout to the 7/8s who should be very very proud of themselves right now! Incredible boats and team work. 
We can’t wait to see you in 
#SHSM <a href="/TVDSB/">Thames Valley DSB</a>
CWB Welding Foundation (@cwb_foundation) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Only two weeks left to apply for the Nicole LeClair Welding Bursary Award! Funded by Nicole LeClair, a Red Seal welder and CWB Welding Foundation alum, this bursary supports students pursuing welding at post-secondary institutions in Ontario. Apply now! →cwbweldingfoundation.org/programs/nicol…

bealart (@bealart) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’re ready, #lndont! Come and celebrate the most talented kids in the city this weekend. Opening June 15th at 12pm. Sales are card only. Parking on King beside the football field.

We’re ready, #lndont! Come and celebrate the most talented kids in the city this weekend. Opening  June 15th at 12pm. Sales are card only. Parking on King beside the football field.